The Best of You

You’ll have to forgive my slight tardiness with this post. Most movie writers compile their year-end lists to coincide with the actual end of the year. That’s right, much like The Shitty Beatles, it’s not just a clever name. However, this weary film goer had a tremendously busy year-end (hence the slight lack in posts), and still had a few titles to see in the first weeks of 2008.

So as we turn our calender page yet again, I hope you’ll indulge me one last look back at 2007. These are the films I thought were the best…

Hatter’s Top 5 Films of 2007

#5. THE DARJEELING LIMITED… While it’s true that Wes Anderson’s movies are slowly becoming more and more interchangable, I still find myself eagerly anticipating every one. Wilson, Schwartzman, and Brody all brought their “A” game, with equal parts whimsy, absurdity, and introspection. Of the five films on this list, it was the one that made me want to see more of the world the most.
Favorite MomentBrody’s slow-mo sprint for the departing train as The Kinks’ “This Time Tomorrow” jangles on the soundtrack.

#4. LARS AND THE REAL GIRL… LARS was a daring film, since in the hands of a lesser director, writer, and cast, it could have easily become a truly silly movie. Instead, the movie hits just the right note, and becomes one of the unlikeliest love stories you’ll ever see. It requires a slight suspension of belief, but it doesn’t stretch the audience too far. I got the sense that Lars is the sort of person a whole town would care about deeply – indeed deeply enough to go to this sort of length. Ryan Gosling brings a true tenderness to the part, and with any luck, he’ll be getting his second straight Oscar nomination next week.
Favorite Moment – Lars taking a moment to try and give a girl a flower, before deciding just to chuck it at her and sprint away.

#3. JUNO… I’d put this movie on the list just for introducing me to the work of Ellen Page and Diablo Cody. Of the five movies on this list, this is the only one I haven’t posted a review for yet. It’s coming – I swear. I think the reason I’m having so much trouble with it, is because it’s that one film that comes along every year that establishes itself as more than just a comedy. It starts off amusing and cute, but slowly unfolds into something far more thoughtful. Easily the funniest film I saw all year, and the one with the most heart.

Favorite Moment – The breakneck wit of Rainn Wilson in the opening scene.

#2. ONCE… When this film ended I immediately texted one of my best friends, complaining that I couldn’t believe she let me wait so long to see it. Very simple, but oh-so-gorgeous in its simplicity, with an equally gorgeous soundtrack. The caring this couple has for one another is the sort of love you don’t often see in movies, since it’s so hard to nail down and define. It’s the sort of timid “I would, but I can’t, but I still want to” that happens all the time in the world, but rarely gets written about.
Favorite Moment – The girl’s answer when the guy asks her if she still loves her husband.

#1. NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN… I’m sure you’re shocked that I picked a dark and violent film to top my list. What can I say, it’s just that good. In a perfect world, this movie would go on to win Best Picture, but I have the sneaking suspicion that after THE DEPARTED, The Academy won’t play the violence card again for a few more hands. Regardless, this perfect adaptation is equally witty, tense, and horrifying. Every actor involved gives a perfect performance, especially Javier Bardem’s. His performance is so good in fact that it will chill your soul, while still making you want to cheer for the bad guy. It could easily be The Coen Brothers’ masterpiece, and for my $12 ticket – it was the best movie of the year.
Favorite Moment – Bardem’s ice cold interogation of the gas station clerk, leading to the first merciful-but-not-really-merciful coin toss.
Did I forget one? Post a comment and tell me your Top Movies of 2007. Likewise, feel free to make suggestions for next week’s top five.

2 Replies to “The Best of You

  1. My picks for films that were ‘above and beyond’ last year were:

    After the Wedding / Efter brylluppet
    Brand Upon the Brain!
    King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

    I did just watch The Lives of Others and I would have to say I might have to put it on the list as well, it was amazing.

  2. I can’t argue with your #1 pick, as “No Country…” was definitely the best movie I saw last year as well. I can’t comment on the other 4, as, shamefully, I haven’t seen any of them, though 3 are on my rental/purchase list.

    Here’s my suggestion for a Top 5 list: Best Book to Movie Adaptations, which would then naturally lead into Worst Book to Movie Adaptations. This popped into my head because I recently saw “I Am Legend”, yet another cock-up of Matheson’s novel, and I just finished reading “Children Of Men”. The book and movie share very little DNA. I avoided seeing “Into The Wild” since I love the book so much, but I’ll give it a rental when it comes out.

    Just a thought.

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