That Voice Again

Saturday night, it happened again.

A few times in my life, when I’m in a theatre watching a movie, a line will strike me as laugh-out-loud funny. Let me be more specific – a line will strike only me as laugh-out-loud funny.

My booming laugh, or immature snickers will echo out from the back corner of the cinema, and the entire crowd will usually turn and look at me like I’m nuts. Oh, and my fiancee usually considers the single life…or at the very least leaving me mid-movie to make my own way home.

Is it just me? Do any of you fine readers ever find yourself as the only one laughing at a line in a movie?

Please folks…tell me I’m not alone.

(FYI the lol line in question came from NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST)

2 Replies to “That Voice Again

  1. This doesn’t happen a ton, but frequent enough for me to take notice of it, and especially odd because I’m usually the quiet one while the rest of the idiots are eating up Step Brothers.

    I think the first time I really took notice was during Run Lola Run. Lola just gets more or less abandoned by her father after he also refused to help her out financially. She walks out of the bank, dumbstruck of what to do now to help Manni, and an old woman asks her something like “What’s wrong, dear?” Lola responds “Do you have the time?”

    I el-oh-elled. I was the only one. Turns out, Lola really did just want to know what time it was, while I thought she was making a joke about not having enough time to explain all that had gone wrong.

    Oh well.

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