Following the Leader

It’s late on election night, and my country has gone to the polls (again) and elected a conservative minority government (again).

Canada seems to be stuck in a GROUNDHOG DAY-esque loop of not trusting any of the leaders of the political parties (and at last check, we had five to choose from). Can’t say I really blame my countrymen. None of these leaders really inspire me much either. So while I beg forgiveness for there being precious few thoughts to accompany this five, and before I nod off with visions of checks and balances dancing in my head, here are five fictional politicians I’d rather vote for than the Canadia party leaders.

Hatter’s Top Five Movie Politicians

#5. Tim Robbins as Bob Roberts – BOB ROBERTS (1992) Perhaps the times will be a-changin back again.
#4. Effen Ramirez as Pedro – NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (2004) Because all our dreams will come true.
#3. Michael Douglas as Andrew Shepherd – THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT (1995) Might not be the best diplomat, but he sure is a swell dancer.
#2. John Travolta as Jack Stanton – PRIMARY COLORS (1998) Yes I know who he’s based on. That’s why I want to vote for him.
#1. Reese Witherspoon as Tracy Flick – ELECTION (1998) Such determination could lead our nation to great heights. excuse me, I need a cupcake.

5 Replies to “Following the Leader

  1. Good call on Pedro and Tracy Flick!

    I’d add Peter Sellers President from Dr Strangelove – “Gentlemen, you can’t fight here, this is the war room”

  2. For voting …

    Bill Pullman from Independence Day.

    But if you want to just by-pass all of this democratic mumbo-jumbo …

    Richard Dryfus from Moon Over Parador

    ~ Beth

  3. A vote for Tracy Flick makes your crazier than she is. Haha. Poor Broderick. That movie is so fuckin’ great.

  4. American President? What about Kevin Kline as Fave? He was always my fave.
    As sappy as it is, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is what we wish a politician will be.
    And Groucho Marx in Duck Soup can’t be beat.

    Though Bob Roberts and Tracey Flick are unforgettable.

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