Everybody’s Talkin’ 1 – 15 ( Chatter From Fellow Bloggers )

I’m a tad out of sorts today (hence the later than usual posting time). As if it wasn’t bad enough that I was under the weather this morning, making me an hour late for work, I got to the office only to start into a project that has thus far been making me its bitch.

Oh well, guess it’s moments like this that retreating into a movie are for. So as I buckle down and try to make it through the next four hours, I’ll have to let my mind drift to a happier place such as the fact that I’ve got my podcast woes with iTunes figured out (it’s now listed as Mad Hatter’s Matineecast btw), getting together with one of my favorite movie geeks tomorrow, or thinking back on to my screening of THE BOOK OF ELI last night (which didn’t suck btw).

I have to believe things are happier elsewhere, thus allow me to point you towards some peppier folk.

For your reading fulfillment, I give you…

I’m just about done with 2009 but one of the limited releases that’s finally hitting screens is CRAZY HEART, which Fletch has kindly reviewed.

CS, a fellow Toronto-based blogger hasn’t quite closed the book on 2009 just yet. He takes a moment to remember some of the worst films the year had to offer.

Joel has finally discarded his mystical ticket stub, but his critique prowess remains. He moved his blog, lock, stock, and linkage, and has christened the new one with a review of a movie close to my heart, SUPERMAN.

I quite often respond to someone not liking a classic by saying “watch it again”. Katie at The Stories That Really Matter has a few thoughts on repeat viewings.

The Movie Mistress has taken a moment to count off her top ten bio-pics.

And finally, Danny King sparked a pretty good conversation on his bulletin by asking whether or not it’s apropos to describe a film as “boring”.


5 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 1 – 15 ( Chatter From Fellow Bloggers )

  1. Thanks for the link and your comments! There's more agreement than I expected, but still a lot of great insight.

  2. Wahoo Everybody's Talkin! I kept waiting for this, honestly I was starting to shake a bit without it :).

    Great links, definitely enjoy the 2nd viewing theory (which I'm a fan of – especially when it comes to my top 100).

    Hope your day pans out some towards the end here man!

  3. Glad to hear THE BOOK OF ELI “didn’t suck” its on my shortlist for the coming week along with 44 INCH CHEST and the one I am really looking forward to UP IN THE AIR.

  4. Thanks for the mention. Been busy the last few days with wedding planning stuff so I am only now catching up on the blogging world.

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