5 Replies to “Cheap Seats

  1. Not so bad at all.

    I am feeling kinda like that guys head in the Vice with Pesci in Casino. 🙂

  2. I'll see you there! 🙂


    Burn-y McBurnerson lol

  3. You feel like wearing gold chains, getting in fights and going drinking at the bah?
    Today's verification word is RITENT… my favorite gum!
    How come your site has the best words, Hatter?

  4. @ Univarn… Went with my good friend Miss Susie Q, so "with pals" was indeed taken care of!

    @ Heather… Why don't you try your remedy of cucumbers, ranch dressing, cottage cheese and pickles. I hear that works wonders.

    @ Sue… Meet ya near the bouncy castle!

    @ Kaiderman… No idea man, but I'm glad they are providing you such amusement.

    No gold chains for me, just another Saturday afternoon at the ballpark. And it was a lot of fun (again).

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