Watching the Wheels

I’m growing sick of the sight of a small stack of dvd’s. They’re sitting in front of my TV and don’t seem like they’ll be going away anytime soon. This, my friends, is the ‘to-watch’ pile.

At the moment, they are there for a bouillabaisse of reasons. Some are new purchases I haven’t watched yet. Some are loaners from friends (I try to give these priority). And every now and then a renter goes to the top of the stack. Seems no matter what, this stack always hovers close to a foot high…and mocks me.

While the presence of such an unwatched bounty does rub me the wrong way, I rest easy knowing that they only survive due to the fact that we’re still in the midst of the spring TV season. Come rerun time they’ll disappear in a hurry. However, this leads me to wonder something about your reading habits dear reader.

The orphans are over my right shoulder as I write this, but over my left is The Collection…shelves and shelves of movies I dig that I’ve bought over the years. Standing in front of such a monolith can be just as frustrating as I mutter to myself “What sort of mood am I in?”

How do you decide what you watch? Do you own a few hundred but find yourself continually watching the same three dozen? Do you watch them in a particular order and then start over when you get to the end? Do you watch them in clever little double and triple features? (SEVEN SAMURAI, THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, A BUG’S LIFE perhaps??).

Do tell folks – When you stand in front of The (insert movie geek name here) Memorial Library…how do you decide what to watch?

19 Replies to “Watching the Wheels

  1. I sometimes do the feature groupings, but to be honest I like to have a wide variety of movies.

    Sometimes the hankering for a film just hits me, and I like to know I can either satisfy it, or find a justifiable alternative.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. I have a pile of DVD's to watch that I haven't got around to yet either.
    As the compulsive movie collector that I am, many of the movies I buy I watch only once (unfortunately), but most of the time I just stare blankly at the pile and don't feel like watching anything that is in there in particular. Most of the time, I just watch the ones I know I like because I feel like watching them most of the time. Although that idea of double or triple bills sounds good to me!

  3. Always play the one you have the least amount of interest in first. Followed by something you think, or know, you will enjoy.

    If you have more than two films to watch, I find it is best to mix up viewing order. So if you started off with a period piece, the next flick would be an action or comedy, followed by an indie flick, etc. This not only helps to keep each film distinctive in your head, but it also to keeps you energized as a viewer.

    I try not to group the films by genre as I usually end up comparing one flick to the movie that preceded it.

  4. Currently going through the same problem, will let you know how I tackle it when I eventually do.

    Bug's Life is based on Seven Samurai? Awesome!

  5. This is such a geek post. But, I am incredible anal about this stuff.

    I have a library (sometimes organised alphabetically or by director…) that I try and build up. Only films which have historical, cultural or personal importance I own. Deep Blue Sea, Cruel Intentions 2 and Mission Impossible 2 left the library many moons ago.

    Next to the TV I have the to-watch films. The most depressing ones are the directors-collections boxsets. David Leans British Films (Brief Encounter, Passionate Friends, This Happy Breed, etc) and Early Hitchcock Collection (The Farmers Wife, Blackmail, The Ring) … these are tough watches and I have to really be 'pushing' myself to watch them. Blue Velvet sits on this shelf also. Funnily enough, my [about 10?] blue-rays re here too alongside my completed Danny Boyle film collection – my current favourite director. This hasn't changed for a while so a reshuffle may be in order.

    Then you have the 'must-watch-asap' pile which I go through one bit at a time. These are almost always the priority – One watch, write notes and details and then moved to the library/swap-shopped. Driving Miss Daisy and Shakespeare in Love (Oscar Best Picture winners not seen) were on this shelf but shal now be moved because they were only just watched.

    Okay, that was too much. But yes. We all have the 'to-watch' pile. Then again, my thoughts of the 'to-watch' pile stop me from buying too many when at a DVD shop, so thats good.

  6. Being honest, I'll do theme stuff, based around movies and the like. Before Alice in Wonderland (2010), I caught up on Alice in Wonderland (classic). Before Iron Man 2, I will watch Iron Man. I'll occasionally do marathons – Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions and The Godfather Trilogy came to mind, but I've done all four Indiana Jones films in a day-and-a-half.

    The rest depends on my mood.

    My family will sit down about three or four times a week as a group activity, so whatever tickles our fancy then – but I rarely get a deciding vote. On the upside, it means I see things I wouldn't otherwise, like The Mist or The Ruins. On the flipside, it means I see things I wouldn't otherwise, like The Ugly Truth or 27 Dresses.

  7. (mental note – figure out why my comment notification has suddenly been turned off)

    @ Univarn… So essentially your system is the seat of your pants?

    @ Moshi… See the OCD monster inside of me won't put those new arrivals away until I've watched them at least once, so even if I don't neccessarily feel like watching 'em right away – I just gotta.

    @ CS… Your "start with the less interesting" approach reminds me of being a kid going along with the parents as they shopped.

    Lets say they had to do groceries, hardware shop, dry cleaning, and promised to bring me to the comic book shop. If that was the case, the comic shop would be hit last because they knew I'd complain to go home ad naseum if they started with it. Y'know, little Hatter got what he came for, so we're done for the day…right?

    Thanks for that!

    @ Aiden… Not directly, just loosely. Watch 'em back-to-back and you'll see the similarity.

    @ Simon… Wow, that 'to-watch' pile sounds even more daunting than my own. Now how do you decide what gets pulled from the (quite impressive sounding) library on a rainy Saturday?

    @ Darren… I used to do that sort of thing all the time, except by director. So if PUBLIC ENEMIES was coming out, I'd do a Michael Mann-a-Thon in the days leading up. haven't done that in a while though…I think the last such endeavour was watching the Indiana Jones trilogy during the week of CRYSTAL SKULL.

  8. For me, it depends on what I'm drinking (or smoking). If I'll be distracted (with booz): I'd go with a movie with a heavy soundtrack and without much need for paying attention (think Garden State or even My Blue Heaven). If I'm sparking a fatty — Pi or Half Baked or Wall-E. If I'm sober and sick, I'll go epic. I'm I'm sober and bored, classics or foreign. The Floating Red Couch, however, never has a stack in front of it — I like the freedom

  9. Since I have a crapload of DVDs (and I do mean a crapload; got 100+) that I've yet to see, usually I just pick one that I keep putting off.

  10. Start with the 3rd one down.
    Then do the 7th.
    Then whichever's second last.
    Then the 5th.
    Then whichever one is on top.


    Congrats, you just picked the order of your next 5 films.

  11. My DVD collection currently weighs in at 875 titles. I have several shelves in different rooms, and I often have the exact same problem that you do. I also have piles that stack in front of my television, all of which fit the categories you described and all of which are much less likely to be there during a television season break.

    The first question I have to ask is, "Do I want something light or something heavy?" From there, it becomes a matter of similar breakdown questions until I get just a handful to choose from. I tend not to watch the same group over and over again. Just the other day I watched one of the first DVD's I ever purchased, and the day after, I watched one I purchased about a year ago.

    Having different shelves in different rooms would be a hassle if I didn't have a DVD profiling software which allows me to examine my collection at my computer. I can even breakdown my collection by genre, cast, crew, etc.

    I'm bad at putting them off though. I'd say there are at least 70 movies/TV DVDs that I haven't watched yet.

  12. I was about to write out how I organize my DVDs – but it's almost the exact same as Simon's description. Crazy.

    I usually get through borrowed / time sensitive stuff over the weekend. I schedule films by running times to maximize efficiency and get them all watched.

    But, when I'm thinking about just randomly what I want to watch, I have no problem deciding what it is. I often watch the same film over and over and over for nights in a row while falling asleep. Usually something actiony or with great sound, like The Matrix, Sunshine, Bourne, Harry Potter… or even King of Kong. πŸ™‚

  13. @ Couch… How would you describe the herbal experience of watching WALL-E?

    @ Movie Nut… 100+ unwatched??? How the deuce does that happen?

    @ Doc… Give me the same equation for my shelf – that's where I really get indecisive.

    @ David… Allow me to wipe away my collection envy. There, all better. But even when you evaluate what sort of mood you're in, don't you find that you keep coming back to the same fifty? Meanwhile certain cases collect a nifty layer of dust having not been watched in years??

    @ Shannon… I used to nurse the same movie night in and night out…ten minutes at a time…until I finished it for the longest time.

    Then Lady Hatter and I moved in together.

    As I went to put on a particular dvd for the fifth night in a row i heard "NO!!!" Looking at my new co-habitant surprised, I got a quick explanation:

    "I fall asleep after you do, so I've seen the ending of that movie for five days in a row. If I have to watch that fuckin'_______ throw that fuckin' ________ out the fuckin' ________ one more time, I'm gonna kill you!"

    That's true love for ya.

  14. Yeah, the stack in front of my DVD player is calling me too – but I seem too restless to watch them – though some of them might make for good blog fodder – which is lacking these days as well. I sometimes find myself influenced by my fellow movie bloggers – if someone posts up an interesting and enthusiastic review of something that might tickle my fancy – I’ll jump all over it and rent it. So, Hats… πŸ˜‰

    One habit I’ve become conscious of is I watch a lot of foreign films in the mornings. They couple with the coffee to get me awake and thinking.

    Sometimes I just get a taste for a genre and watch nothing but exploitation films – or mainstream Hollywood – or foreign films – more commonly it’s such a mixed bag due to the haphazard way I keep my Netflix. I try not to watch too many things too often – as to keep them fresh – unless it needed a bit of time to digest and I want to rewatch with a better understanding. There’s certain films though that are like comfort food – that you just want to have on – and those will get a few extra spins over the long run.

    This weekend I purposely rented a TV show – so I would hopefully get to that stack – wish me luck!

  15. Way to go Lady Hatter for speaking her mind! Hehe, yes the tactic is less successful if there is more than 1 person involved – although I usually only re-watch stuff at that point because I know I'll fall asleep.

    Interesting to see that pretty much everyone *has* a 'to see' pile ranging from few to epic proportions. I try to keep my buy-before-watching in check, but it got a wee bit out of hand recently.

  16. I tend to watch the movie for which I have the least amount of pre-conceived notions or opinions, the films I really don't know if I'll like or dislike. I always feel as though I've discovered something new and something I should either a)stay away from in the future or b)see more of.

  17. First, I think I love Lady Hatter.

    Second, I have an actual BIN where these films lay. I randomly go for a genre of film to watch, but usually I opt for the one that seems the least necessary to pay attention to, unless I specifically am in the mood.

    My DVR on the other hand is the subject of many arguments between myself and Don Roddy, who can't imagine why I should save a film for six months that I haven't watched. Since I don't have a rational answer this usually involves arms being crossed and huffing and puffing.

    I am the utter worst procrastinator and awful multitasker.

  18. @ Charlie… Funny that you mention putting on foreign films in the morning. I often want to, since they seem so much more beautiful than many North American movies, yet find that my eyes are a bit too bleary to read subtitles so early.

    Then again – I can't watch them too late at night for fear of nodding off from all the reading.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're a more intelligent cinephile than I am!

    @ Shannon… My own rule is that I can't put it away until I've watched it once. An old friend once looked at my shelf and asked "Now how many of these have you actually seen?" Leaving me to reply with a puzzled "All of them".

    I mean, heck, who'd buy a movie and then never watch it, right?

    This of course builds upon a previous rule, that I almost never buy a movie I haven't seen already.

    @ Edgar… "Watch what you know the least". I like this. Might even have to make it my next handful off the shelf.

    @ Heather… A bin you say? Good God woman – ya gotta get on that!

    As for the PVR, I imagine that comes into play when the hard drive is filling up and Mr. Roddy wants to record something?? if that's the case, I'm squarely on his side.

    (Geez, I'm awful judgemental in this round of comments, aren't I?)

  19. First off, when a new movie comes out, my wife and I look at each other and say either: Gonna see it (in theaters), rental, cable or no thanks. That way every film has it's place.
    Second, my DVD collection is LARGE and almost useless. I find I'd rather rent new releases or hit the favorites section at the video store than hit up my DVD's. I tend to watch the same titles from my own collection and have many that just sit… or films like Shawshank, that I own, but I end up watching on cable so much, I don't know why I even own them.
    As far as viewing, I tend to dream about a movie I watch right before bed, so I try not to end the night on horror or heavy handed stuff. For instance, a couple weeks back, we watched Precious in the afternoon and Up in the Air before bed to clean the pallate (spelled that wrong).
    If I'm super excited about a film, I have to wait until night falls so the light won't mess with the picture on my TV.
    Finally, my friend's recommendations tend to come last. Just because I haven't had good experiences. Right now my friend has given me The Stupids starring Tom Arnold to watch… one of his favs… I'm sure it's funny or was when he used to get high and watch it in high school but I just can't get motivated to throw it in the ol' Blu-Ray!

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