I haven’t tested this particular theory, but I’d wager that if you Google’d “Phoning It It”, that this post would come up.

Sure, I’m trying to keep in the habit of posting every single day (almost two years straight now!), and entries like the Wednesday trailer or the Friday Link round-up make that an easier goal to achieve…but let’s face facts, posting a trailer more than a week after it drops is weak. So too is choosing a trailer that everybody and their brother already posted.

Oh well, it’s better than nothing.

I don’t tend to offer a lot of analysis where trailers are concerned; it’s art, not food – you won’t get the gist of it with your first taste. However, there are tropes within this clip that leave me hopeful. We see action a-plenty, we see a snappy group dynamic, and we see the telltale rift between Stark and Cap. These little markings were the sorts of things I was hoping for – especially as we entered the final run-up this summer with CAP and THOR, and at the moment I remain satisfied with this small sampling.

Whaddaya think gang? Can Whedon & Co. can stick the landing?

7 Replies to “Us Against The World (THE AVENGERS Trailer)

  1. I dig it, but I’m already at a loss for a major continuity error. It took me a couple of rewatches to realize it, but that end moment between Stark and Banner makes no sense, because Stark is acting like he’s introducing himself for the very first time to Banner, but Stark is the one who approached Banner about SHIELD in a post-credit scene in The Incredible Hulk back in ’07. No it’s not a major issue and there may be more to it than what we see, but it sure does bug the hell outta me.

    1. Well perhaps your Friendly Neighbourhood Hatter can assist. You’re actually remembering wrong. The post-credits stinger in INCREDIBLE HULK didn’t have Stark introducing himself to Banner, it had him introducing himself to General Ross (William Hurt) after his team failed at corralling Hulk (“The smell of stale beer and defeat…”)

      Make things better?

      1. Ahhh, thank you for clarifying, because that has beeen driving me nuts. I’ve only seen the film once, but I guess I just filled in Banner as the one Stark talked to, because that’s how it was for everyone else. Now I can sleep at night 😉

  2. What do I think? I think Whedon’s terrible “hey look we worked the title of the film into the dialogue!” line has to go. Great, Tony, thanks, it’s great to know you’ll avenge the country after Loki performs an extreme version of urban renewal, but that doesn’t do my smoldering corpse much good as scavenging dogs snack on my charred flesh.

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