TIFF 2009 – Day 7

Tuesday night’s TIFF showcase at Dundas Square was my fourth in five nights, and so far, it was the event with the most character. In honour of the Russian film HIPSTERS, Tuesday night was Swing Night in Dundas Square.

We began with some swing lessons, as taught by two friendly and charming instructors Chachi and Caitlin from Toronto’s Swing and Tap Academy. This was actually rather sweet to watch, since it began like a high school dance, with wallflowers slowly and timidly mingling together. However it brought a smile seeing the inhibitions fall rather quickly, as the people gathered began to shimmy and jive along showing off what they were learning.

This wasn’t a night to stargaze. It wasn’t a night to boast about what avant garde cinema you felt richer for having seen. It was a night where a true cross-section were able to come together and have some fun cutting a rug. If there was one downside to it all, it’s that we only got to see Chachi and Caitlin perform one number. Trust me when I say that they are fun to watch.

As the program moved to the concert, things got a little interesting for me. There I stood, leaning on the stage barricade, slightly saddened by the fact that my own dance partner was home with a migraine. At this point, a gentleman asked me if I’d be using the Nikon D70s in my hands to take photos of the concert. I told him that I would be, and he told me that he was the singer’s manager. Then and there, he asked if we could cut a deal where he could buy some of my shots of his client.

So while listening to some toe-tappin’ music, and doing something I was about to do for free anyway, I couldn’t help but smile. Between usually being at a screening at this point of TIFF, and intending to have been dancing on this particular night, there was no earthly reason for me to be in the position to make even a little bit of money.

Funny the way things happen, ain’t it?

So if you feel like having a zoot suit moment, please take a look after the jump for a lot more photos of Aelita, Ian, and the Galaxy All-Star Orchestra.

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