The Power of Goodbye (Top Five Movie Endings)

As I mentioned yesterday, I spent part of this weekend watch a Richard Linklater double-feature of BEFORE SUNRISE and BEFORE SUNSET. As previously mentioned, SUNRISE impressed me with how truly well it has aged. SUNSET on the other hand wowed me for two reasons. First for the fact that it may be one of the few sequels that is actually better than its part one. And secondly, for an absolutely stellar ending!

How amazing was this ending? Even though it is no way a “twist” – it’s an ending I never saw coming, and might well be cinematic perfection. It’s unexpected, it’s interpretive…it sees the creative ante of SUNRISE’S ending and raises it. It’s so good, it might well be one of my all-time favorite final scenes.

This got me thinking about some of the others, and got me wanting to build a top five. Endings that for one reason or another define their film, and write a fitting final chapter to these wonderful stories.

My five is after the jump, but of course, they are deeply spoiler-ific. So to keep things honest, here’s my list in order…


Wanna know why? Take a look below the jump for more about

Hatter’s Top Five Movie Endings

#5. SAY ANYTHING (1989)… Having finally convinced the woman of his dreams that he’s the guy for her, Lloyd Dobler packs up and accompanies her to England. Diane has never flown before, but Lloyd talks her through her nervousness explaining that everything that is happening is perfectly normal. After telling her that any minute now the flight will be in the clear and the “Seat Belt Off” signal will chime, they both begin to stare up, just higher than the camera’s eye. It’s a sweet metaphor for the beginning of young love, and for young adventurous souls trying to strike out on their own. They feel 99% right about everything, but they still want the assurance of something small like that seat belt light to confirm their beliefs. Happily, just as the film cuts to black, they get the assurance they want – complete with the accompanying *bing* sound effect.

#4. INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1956)… This best version of the twisted tale of alien pod people stealing bodies and infiltrating earth’s society is a truly eerie one. So how is one supposed to end a story that feels a paranormal journey of sight and sound worthy of The Twilight Zone? By going for broke and making you believe it, that’s how. Having been held for questioning after a bout of raving lunacy, Dr Bennell has tried to convince the proper authorities that something otherworldly has gripped their small town. Realizing that nobody is having any of it, he finally snaps…running through the streets and highways screaming warnings to anyone who comes near. Driving home the chilling final dagger, Bennell breaks the fourth wall and yells right at the audience “THEY’RE HERE ALREADY!! YOU’RE NEXT!!!” Got goosebumps yet?

#3. LOST IN TRANSLATION (2003)… Yet another one of my favorite modern endings, given the ambiguousness of it. I know that some out there have managed to figure out what it is that Bob whispers to Charlotte, but I’ll die a happy man if I never find out. Whatever it is he tells her, she understands, nods and agrees. It could be “Go back to your husband and be faithful”. It could be “When you get back to America, come find me”. Hell, it could be “I forgot to tip the maid, could you slip her ten bucks for me?”. I’m not sure what I like more, the fact that we don’t know what he says, or the fact that whatever it was, she agrees without hesitation. Cinematic perfection.

#2. CITIZEN KANE (1941)… the grandaddy of them all, the one that takes everything you’ve already seen and puts it into context in one fell swoop. Making it all the more direct, is the way the iconic moment is set up with a seemingly offhanded bit of self musing…
“Mr. Kane was a man who got everything he wanted and then lost it. Maybe Rosebud was something he couldn’t get, or something he lost. Anyway, it wouldn’t have explained anything… I don’t think any word can explain a man’s life. No, I guess Rosebud is just a… piece in a jigsaw puzzle… a missing piece.”
…push to a close up on the furnace.

#1. THE USUAL SUSPECTS (1995)… Possibly the only modern film that comes anywhere close to Kane’s moment of last minute game changery. Without the devious playfulness that the final scene unloads, this is just another whodunnit heist movie. When that twist is tacked on however, it becomes something so much greater. Is it possible to say that this one scene is what elevates the movie from nineties staple to all-time great? Perhaps. I will say this, few other films have spawned so many imitators aiming to yank the rug out with a last-minute twist that saves all and changes context. Proving this film’s greatness is the fact that precious few of those imitators actually succeed. THE USUAL SUSPECTS works so well for how unassuming it unfolds, how it teases a certain direction making you sure you have it all figured out. It’s right then that it smacks you across the face and shows you how much you’ve just been played. And just like that *puff* it’s gone.

Did I miss one? Feel free to leave comments naming your favorite cinematic endings, along with suggestions for the next top five.

10 Replies to “The Power of Goodbye (Top Five Movie Endings)

  1. Can't really go wrong with your #1, but ugh, the Lost in Translation one really annoyed me, though I admit that was more because I didn't like the movie than because I didn't like the ending.

    Recently, I loved the ending of The Wrestler and Let the Right One In last year.

  2. @ Daniel… WRESTLER & RIGHT ONE IN. Crap, I forgot about those! Not sure they would have unseeded one of the five I chose, but you're right – they both have kick-ass endings!

  3. Brazil. (which I hope you've seen! If not, don't read for the ending spoiler!) The real ending, not the horrid "Love Conquers All" version.

    That amazing fantasy sequence followed by Mr Helpmann and Jack leaning over Sam: "I think we've lost him". And the camera pulling away as a completely broken Sam looks into the distance humming the main theme. It's just breathtaking, honestly. Gives me chills.

  4. I've always adored the way Cameron Crowe took the ending to The Graduate and gave it an optimistic boost with Say Anything.

  5. ooooh Say Anything… that's a good one. I might be mentioning the Dobler in tonight's post…

  6. Fantastic choice of number 1, it really does not get any better than that.

    I have to admit when I first watched Lost in Translation, I hated the ending not knowing what the whisper was. But now I think it is a great moment, as it allows you to make your own mind up. I have grown to like endings like that more recently.

  7. Damnit Dan – you stole my thunder. When I first saw the title of the post, my thoughts for a recent entry went immediately to Let the Right One In. Such a killer ending.

    I've owned Before Sunset for a few years now but have never gotten around to watching it, mostly because I want to watch them both together. One of these days. I wasn't even aware that it had a twist ending until now. I had to be careful in what I read above (not like that's not my own fault – it's been a good five years or so, right?).

  8. @ Alex… BRAZIL has an awesome ending – the real ending, not the "love conquers all" version of course. I was this close to adding it to this five.

    @ Bishop… Never thought about THE GRADUATE when watching SAY ANYTHING. Guess I'll have to look for that at a screening I'm going to this week.

    @ Fletch… Fear not, I haven't spoiled anything about BEFORE SUNSET. The ending isn't any sort of twist…it's just clever. You do need to see SUNRISE first, so go rent it and treat yourself to a sweet double-feature.

  9. Oh, I own Sunrise as well and have seen it a couple times. I just am waiting to view Sunset as part of a double-feature w/ a rewatch of Sunrise, if that makes sense.

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