The Kids Are Alright ( KICK-ASS Trailer )

Though my comic book knowledge seems to swell by the day, which at 31 makes me an easy target, I must admit I’d never heard of Mark Millar’s comic Kick-Ass until earlier this year.

Sheltered geekery aside, I now can’t wait to see this upcoming flick, even if it does feature Nicolas Cage. This is just a teaser, but it sure will whet your appetite for all things Big Daddy, Red Mist, Hit Girl, and Kick-Ass.

And if it doesn’t…I dunno…see you at SEX IN THE CITY 2??

4 Replies to “The Kids Are Alright ( KICK-ASS Trailer )

  1. I find it kind of interesting that they're not really highlighting the names though this does look like the kind of film I'd love. I'm not sure though if the film's title will restrict its marketing (especially on network TV)

  2. I'm actually totally psyched about this, or probably more so just about the idea, but I gotta say, that was a lame trailer. Not digging the kid who plays Kick-Ass. But whatever, just have to wait and see.

  3. @ Ross… Couldn't agree more. On both points.

    @ Univarn… Part of the reason why they aren't highlighting the names is because the main characters are mostly lesser-knowns. The only two in the cast who I could remember are Nic Cage (who isn't in the teaser), and the kid who plays McLovin'.

    @ Aiden… It's only a teaser, so have faith. I actually walked past the set the day that smashed car was there – didn't even know what it was about at the time!

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