The Collection Song

Ivy over at Do You Have a Flag? started an somewhat odd, and deeply geeky meme/trend of sorts. The other day, she did a post giving everyone in the blogosphere a gander at her DVD shelves.

Then others joined her. A trend became a following…a following became a movement…

Never one to be left behind while all the cool kids are having fun, I thought I’d kick off the weekend by joining in. If you dare, take a peek below the cut at Hatter’s dvd shelves (clicking on any of the photos will make it bigger and give you a closer look). Here’s where a wildly inappropriate 421 titles live.

Yeah. I know. I’m a geek.

…I gotta wonder how many more titles I’d have space for if not for those gigantic versions of AMERICAN GANGSTER, BEN-HUR, and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS…

…Three guesses who my favorite baseball team is…

…and inside of the IKEA fortress of solitude?…

…Three more friggin’ shelves!!…

…It all kinda gets haphazard down here. One of these days I hope to get some better shelves…

…And then there are the TV series. Nicely crowned by a Superman lunch box!

Misery loves company, so please feel free to send me photos of your monuments to movie geekery!

14 Replies to “The Collection Song

  1. I have a pretty decent collection myself, but I've never got around to organizing them. I think mine were alphabetical once upon a time. But lately, I just keep my favorites as close to the TV as possible while the others just find themselves placed somewhere, hopefully within line of sight, around the apartment.

  2. Roswell? Buffy? Contact? AWESOME! Truly awe inspiring collection, and very nicely organized! I approve.

  3. @ David… Mine were originally in chronological order, but I buckled to peer pressure and re-did 'em into alphabetical. After a certain point, you have to have them organized into some sort of order…otherwise you can't find squat.

    @ Ivy… Not to lose the lustre of your approval, but Roswell and Buffy belong to the missus.

  4. I just posted mine, but DANG I'm impressed with yours. That is a lot of movies and they are even some Fort Knox-style, yowza!

    I'm loving how many of us have all three seasons of Roswell. Hehe.

  5. Chronological? Films? *blink blink* I've never heard of organizing a collection like that… you remember the years that well???

  6. @ Moxie… "Fort Knox Style"?? Please explain.

    As for putting 'em in chronological…yeah, I'm just geeky enought to remember years that well. Eventually it just comes down to a general locale (ie, 1970's are up on shelf two…late 90's on shelf 4…etc). But as I mention – I was overruled.

  7. Well done you. I just watched The Ice Storm yesterday and must now add it to my collection.

  8. Well I'm guessing Run Lola Run and the Sin City box set are yours… nice!

  9. Nah, dude I can't find anything to watch – let's just rent something, okay? You need to stock up.

    Ya know, I just erased a ton of pic's of my collection that I took for inventory – maybe I should reverse course and join in, huh?

  10. If I had the money I imagine my collection would be something like that, heh. Your collection is quite a site to behold though. You have something to be proud of there.

  11. I notice you attempted to crop most of MY DVD's out of the picture… and you've failed to include the additional 500 DVD's living on a separate bookcase. Are you ashamed of the movies you're marrying into???
    After the wedding, we WILL be merging the collections! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love ya!
    -missus Hatter

  12. LMAO "Are you ashamed of the movies you'll be marrying into?"


    The lady has a point!

    The Hatters make me laugh! ๐Ÿ˜€

    – Sue

  13. I demand photos of this unseen collection. "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours" and all that.

    Nice, large collection.

    I really need to post mine as well, though I'm felling a bit inadequate at the moment. Now, if we were to post our CD collections…

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