I was in a shitty mood last night…a rather shitty mood if I’m being honest. Luckily, I’m fortunate enough to have a good friend working down the street from me who has enough brain power to say “Let’s go for a burger”.

As I got to talking to the wise and patient cinematic sensei, I was able to let my grumpiness dissipate and move on to other topics of conversation – geekier topics of course. We got around to talking about the dvd’s and blu-rays the people own, and what a person should have in their collection. We got to wondering, “What are the essentials?”. To paraphrase a great local rock writer, what is the dvd equivalent of the little black dress?

There’s many ways to cobble together a stack of essentials – personal favorites, critical praise, technical achievement, sources of mad fandom. The possibilities are indeed endless. For me though, I think it comes down to trying to find a cross-section…to represent a variety of genres and eras and begin with the titles that are truly lasting.

So if it were me…and it’s my blog, so I suppose it is me…the ten dvd’s that I would suggest be essential to any collection are below the cut in chronological order. Acroll on down and check it out, won’t you (Spoiler Alert: CITIZEN KANE didn’t make the cut).


What say you? Which ten dvd’s would you say are the absolute starting point for any movie lover’s collection?

4 Replies to “The Bear Necessities (10 Essential DVD’s to Build Your Library)

  1. Got and love Eternal Sunshine, The Wizard of Oz, Psycho and Say Anything. The only other one I’ve seen is Sleeping Beauty! I’ll get right on that :p

    1. Where classic Disney is concerned, it’s where the studio turns the corner. It’d take them another forty years to take the next step.

      What about you? If you were to suggest ten dvd’s people need to get their mitts on to begin building their library, what would you say to start with?

  2. Hmmm… It’s A Wonderful Life, The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, Jaws, The Breakfast Club, When Harry Met Sally, The Apartment, Some Like It Hot, ET and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. As a preliminary list – this requires serious thought!

  3. Interesting choices. While I love them all, I wouldn’t exactly call them “Starters for Ten”…but that’s why I love hearing different people’s takes on this question.

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