Talk (Feedbak Please!)

Hi Gang! Pardon the interruption, but I’m lookin’ to hear from the peanut gallery.

You see, this movie geekery I write about every day(ish) is actually just one lonely asteroid in a much bigger galaxy of movie geekery. They call themselves The LAMB (Large Association of Movie Bloggers).

LAMB has an ongoing feature on their site; they call it Brutally Blunt Blog Blustering. Essentially, it’s a way for anyone who chooses, to put their spotlight on their blog and open it up to critique…and I’m up.

I’m starting my third year of writing in this space, and would truly like to know what you think of it – content, format, layout, etc. Anything and everything, be it something you dig, something I should ditch, or something I could just do better.

You don’t have to be a member to comment, and can do so anonymously to avoid hurting my feelings (or giving me even more of a swollen ego).

So please – if you have a second, take a second to consider the ins and outs of The Dark of The Matinee, then go here and let me know what you think.

Thanks everyone!

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