Strange Currencies (Thoughts on TIFF Day 2)

For the last few TIFF’s, my day has started in the wee hours at The Manulife Centre. There I join a select group of early birds who lust after same day tickets like they were double doubles and free Timbits. For most people there it isn’t their first time in this line, so we’re all used to the routine.

But this morning strange things were afoot…

As I walked along the south side of Bloor, I noticed a small cluster of people at the corner of the Ashley’s window…almost as if the line-up had stretched outside already. I didn’t pay them much mind though as I made my way to the revolving door. There, waiting for me on the inside was the line I was used to seeing and standing in.

Not five minutes later, a man from the Ashley’s cluster came in and said that the line-up was really behind them. In they all came, eight in total, claiming that they’d been waiting since 12:30am. Being the fair and polite film goers that we are, the seven of us gathered inside collectively shrugged and let them to the head of the cue. However, as I stood and waited, I couldn’t help but notice something a little off.

The Ashley’s Eight didn’t look like Film-Fest-Goers: there were no bags or knapsacks, no programs or books, no coffees or bottled water, not even the pleasant demeanour that most TIFF-ers share. making things weirder, was the mention of them having waited since midnight.

My friends, I’ve stood in the Manulife Centre line so many times, I’m surprised that my shadow isn’t permanently burnt into the wall – and I can tell you without a doubt, nobody waits in that line overnight for seven hours.

Fueling the fire of my suspicions, when the doors opened, to a man they all walked in and wanted tickets to this evening’s gala presentation of BURN AFTER READING. And perhaps fittingly, they all walked out in seconds flat. Empty handed.

Scalpers trying to make a buck? Or line-holders dispatched by faceless turds?? We may never know.

Do I Need a Coat?… My view here at Yonge & Eglinton is filled with nothing but grey clouds, so an umbrella might not be a bad idea if you’re headed out tonight. It’s supposed to drop down to 15 deg C / 59F overnight. Tomorrow will be a mix of sun and clouds with the temperature nicely at 23C / 73F.

Hey, Isn’t That… Geoffrey Rush sat in front of me during last night’s screening of $9.99. Guy Ritchie gets the early bird award for introducing this morning’s screening of ROCKNROLLA after last night’s late gala.

Dude, You Gotta Try This… Under the AMC at The Toronto Life Centre is a gelato stand called “Vici“. The Mango gelato they serve is the Nectar of the Gods