That you Joaquin?


I guess given that the festival is one day longer this year, and that it’s my return to the grind after taking a year off, I should be thankful that I’m starting slow. However, deep down I still feel restless…antsy…that five films by the end of four days is a sign that I’m dragging my feet. I might regret saying that this time next weekend when I’m running on fumes. For now though, it seems like I’m only participating at arms reach.

So what you have here are photos taken by Lady Hatter of the Joaquin Phoenix impersonator who’s been causing a stir around Toronto. Seems as though a few people were actually fooled into thinking this was him…though I can’t see how. The guy and his “entourage” (along with the cute lil’ rugrats) crashed the premiere of I’M STILL HERE. It was an amusing sight to see as by the time Friday night rolled around, he’d built quite a decent level of buzz for himself. Thus, his every move around the Manulife centre was followed by a long group of media. Don’t think TIFF was too crazy about him being there though. He didn’t hang around the theatre for much more than ten minutes.

Coogan signs for some fans
I’m still intrigued by how different actors act differently with the public. Many’s the time I’ve seen celebrities come out the stage door and walk briskly and stone faced to their limo. Then you have instances like last night where Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon aimiably posed for photographs and signed autographs. Mister Brydon was actually carrying on quite a pleasant conversation with Lady Hatter and myself until he finally had to leave. Pity more stars can’t be as personable as him.

Lady Hatter with Michael Winterbottom
This morning marked my second attempt at picking up same-day tickets from the TIFF box office, and this morning I went oh-for-three. (Then again, who really wants to sleep in past 5:45 on a Sunday?). It’s unfortunate, because my lack of luck can easily be traced back to the fact that TIFF went from two or three box offices in past years down to one this time around. Thus a longer line of early birds get their worms before I can get my crack. I can’t really complain too loudly though. From Monday onward I already have tickets for the films I want to see, and any add-on’s will just be gravy.

At the very least this morning I finally got some good waiting line conversation going with a very friendly volunteer (she even said she’d give the blog a look!). See while film festivals are a lot of standing in lines, it’s usually pretty fun since you talk with people around you about what they’ve seen and what they’ve heard. Unfortunately, I’ve spent much of my waiting time with people who are keeping to themselves. Oh well, guess people just wanna keep to themselves sometimes.

Onwards to day four. One film on tap, with the sked picking up steam in the next few days, and a mid-fest blogger pub night planned for tomorrow.