Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ The Boat (THE BOAT THAT ROCKED Trailer)

Edit: I’m aware that I’ve been “phoning it in” for much of the new year. I must beg forgiveness as it’s a busy time for me at the day job and my brain is fried by the time I sit down to write. All apologies for the sporadic posting that’ll happen for the next ten days or so. – Hatter

Sometimes the cast that a film assembles is reason enough to give a movie a whirl. The cast assembled for THE BOAT THAT ROCKED is just such an occasion. Give it a look…

4 Replies to “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ The Boat (THE BOAT THAT ROCKED Trailer)

  1. You and me both Franny! Hope your holidays were good – I spent mine finally watching season one of “Mad Men”.

    Figured that’d make you proud!

  2. I’m definitely looking forward to this movie, even though I’m skipping the trailer for now – Happy New Year!

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