Shiny Happy People

A week or so back, Ryan at Univarn left me what has to be the funniest comment I’ve ever read in the two plus years of writing this blog. It’s slightly random at this point, but so funny that I felt the overwhelming urge to share it with y’all…

“I know the recent trend is to make Vampires more emotional, but my god do they have to glitter in the daytime? Is there anything less scary than an emotionally insecure glittering vampire?

Sure, he might kill me, but I’m going out laughing.”

5 Replies to “Shiny Happy People

  1. shh if you tell people then they might actually read my blog or something… ugh. Fine, here it is:

    Dear Glittering Vampires of Twilight I'm sorry for the recent remarks I made about your daylight "disorder." I will be careful of what I say in the future, and will start a charity to help support glittering vampires everywhere.

    Sincerly, – Uni.

    Think that'll tide them over?

  2. Don't worry Univarn, I'm sure that Mr. Emo McGlitterpants would be too busy consoling himself with the bijillions of dollars all the Twi-hard Tweenieboppers have been shelling out to be concerned.

    Besides – it is his own fault … standard folklore dictates that if it glitters and has no fangs … it's a fairy.

  3. I wasn't aware that they glittered? But, I've got to tell you, the joke works either way. Well done, Ryan, well done.

  4. @ Amanda… I know! That's why I felt so compelled to give it a post all its own.

    @ Univarn… Nope – you're screwed. Stock up on garlic and holy water stat.

    @ Danger… *LOL* Not sure if it's the jetlag talkin, but that comment also might be worthy of its own post!

    @ Elgringo… It's a bad detail of the books that was made even worse by a poorly thought out visual in the movie. It provides much fodder for mockery.

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