Last week when I asked for feedback, one note that came up a lot was the disinterest in trailers on this site. A valid point.

There are only two retorts I can offer in my defence.

The first is that posting a trailer actually gives me a small respite within my daily routine. It is by far the easiest post I put up in a week. Don’t get me wrong, I’m truly proud of being able to crank out one thousand words on why ORDINARY PEOPLE is underrated, but the truth is that it gets a bit tiring after a while. Knowing I have a stopgap every Wednesday makes things a bit easier and keeps my motor running.

The second thing is that while I sometimes am the 17,000th website to post a trailer for a new Marvel movie, I do also enjoy using the platform to point y’all towards smaller titles I’m really excited about. Case in point, in recent weeks I’ve used the space to discuss Jeff Nichols’ MUD, The Coens’ INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS, and Almodovar’s I’M SO EXCITED. In a way I see it as a way to give a nod towards what’s coming. Not to be the place you go to see them, but the place you go to get a minor stamp of approval.

Take that for whatever it’s worth.

This week I have a film for you which has already played in its native Australia, and did rather well at TIFF 2012. Can’t wait to finally see it for myself.

6 Replies to “Sweet Soul Music – THE SAPPHIRES Trailer

  1. I could crank out a thousand words on why Ordinary People is ordinary, but am less dedicated to than you! My advice is stick with what you are doing. If you enjoy what you are doing and are happy with the hits/comments you receive what’s the problem. It’s your site to do with what you want.

    As for The Sapphires, I was it last year. It doesn’t offer anything particularly new, original or surprising but it is good fun with a likeable cast. The music is good and I would rather watch a movie like this or The Commitments than a musical that shoehorns songs into the narrative.

    1. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – the minute I think of something better, the trailers will go. I said the same thing about Top Fives on the podcast, and look at how nicely that worked out!

      When you mention The Commitments, you are speaking my language. So while I’ll be approaching it with tempered expectations, I’m definitely intrigued.

  2. The Sapphires is quite fun – Deb Mailman, Chris O’Dowd, and the soundtrack are definitely the highlights. I hope you have fun with it when you see it!

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