
Happy 2008 Folks! Thought I’d reach out and extend some well-wishes to whoever may still be reading this space. I beg your forgiveness for not updating for a week or so, but I was moving you see. So as if the fact that finding an hour or two that I could sit down and voice my cinematic approval or disappointment wasn’t bad enough, I had a good five days where I had no internet at all. Guess you could say I’d forgotten the lyrics, and where I’d left my microphone.

Steadier times ahead, I promise.

I came to a conclusion last night, and for this conclusion, I must also beg your forgiveness. By my count, I’m about six reviews behind…I’ve seen ’em, just haven’t written about ’em. So in a desperate attempt to catch up, I’m going to write shorter reviews for these six. If my regular pieces are a Baskin-Robbins sundae, these shorter ones would be the little pink spoon. I’m not trying to cop out or anything, it’s just that with each day that passes, the details of these movies goes further and further into the movie mish-mash that is my brain. Thus, making it harder to write about them.

So hopefully you find the taste just as enjoyable as getting the whole scoop. I’ll be passing the spoons over the counter soon, starting with I’M NOT THERE…so come back soon, won’t you?