8 Replies to “Perhaps Vampires is A Bit Strong ( LET ME IN Poster )

  1. I don't know if I'll ever see this flick but WOW, that is an awesome poster. Poster design is really an art that's tricky to master, and after seeing some horrid looking ones lately (i.e. Prince of Persia, ugh!), I really appreciate the masterful ones that's hard to come by.

    Btw, on an unrelated topic, I saw that the latest movie you saw (on your sidebar) was It's a Wonderful Life. What a coincidence, I just checked it out for the first time ever this weekend and loved it!

  2. @ Fandango… Yeah, I remembered the original when I saw this one and was happy they decided to play just a little with a winning design.

    I have to believe the temptation was there to dumb it down for North American audiences.

    @ RTM… Not sure I'll see it either, but as a fan of great poster design, I had to post it.

    I just re-watched WONDERFUL for a piece I'm writing for the 1001 club. It's one of my all-time faves.

    I'd ask you what you thought of it, but think it's something you should sit down and blog about it!

  3. Agreed. Great poster, bad idea. Really bad idea.

    I just saw the trailer for the remake of Death at a Funeral. American remakes make sad.

  4. Since Blake brought it up, I have to say: I just don't get the Death at a Funeral remake. Put aside the fact that I didn't think it was all that funny – it was a Brit film from two or three friggin' years ago…directed by an American and co-starring at least one (Alan Tudyk). WTF? Sure, The Office (and other TV shows) have been remade, but, aside from DVD and maybe BBC America, Americans don't have a chance to watch them shows (I can't speak for y'all in Canada; somehow, I think you have a more direct line to their media). But DAAF was in theaters all over North America!

    Pisses me off for no good reason.

    At least Let the Right One In was a foreign flick, and we know how fickle and idiotically scared people can be of subtitles, so I at least understand WHY it's been remade, even if it turns out to be crap. Ditto for the upcoming El Orfanato remake. Of course, having seen and loved both, I'm kind of curious to see the remakes.

  5. @ Fletch… Yeah, I did a post about the DAAF remake a week or so ago. I'm equally perplexed as to why it's getting made.

    I actually count myself as a big fan of the original, but then, maybe that's just me showing my Canadian ties to the British Commonwealth 😉

    Like you, I'm a big fan of RIGHT ONE and ORFANATO. I'm hopeful, but can't help but worry that Hollywood will screw at least one of them up.

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