A little over a week ago, when Tim did his guest spot on The Matineecast, he mentioned how much he enjoyed forsaking the hosting duties and rapping in the shotgun seat. Last week, I got a chance to remember what that feels like. He’s right by the way – it is a lot more fun talking on these shows when you aren’t half distracted by what you’ll have to do later to post the results.

With that in mind, I was pretty darned excited when I got an invitation to drop by a new podcast to discuss a film that hit DVD/Blu-Ray tomorrow.

The show is Outside the Envelope, and it is hosted by Brian J. Roan of Dear Film. His show is one of the ones that gives me a wry grin, since it is criminally unfair for a new podcast to sound as good as his do (think those first episodes of The Matineecast are archived by accident?). Brian and I were joined by Dan Gvozden for this conversation, and if my inferiority complex wasn’t running fast enough, Dan found a new gear with a crazy amount of film-smarts.

We get into the nitty-gritty of SHAME pretty quickly, so you might want to wait until you’ve seen it before listening. On the other hand, if you don’t think you’ll ever sit down and throw SHAME on for a watch, perhaps you’ll tune in to hear what I think is still a great discussion.

The episode can be found here. Any comments about how wrong I am can be left below.

Note: Within the conversation, I make mention of a back episode of The Matineecast form TIFF where SHAME was discussed. That episode can be found here.