Now That You’re Gone

So for those of you planning to see IRON MAN and, like me, are big ‘ol geeks at heart, you might want to know about an Easter Egg included in the movie.

It’s at the very end. I’m talking seats are empty, music’s ended, screen is black END. At that point, one last scene plays out.

If you can’t wait that long, or have already seen it and want to know what you missed, the details are after the jump.

Tony Stark walks into his mansion which is suspiciously dark. He sees a silouette across the room and asks “Can I help you?”.
The voice answers “Maybe I can help you”. (Samuel L. Jackson walks into the light, eyepatch over one eye).
“My name is Nick Fury – I work for S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m here to talk to you about The Avenger squad.”
(cuts to black)