News of The World

Seems like it was just yesterday that I was closing the book on another Toronto Film Festival. Yet here we are…ten months later and ramping up to do it all over again. I’ll admit that as much as I like to find an obscure treasure, or immerse in some domestic cinematic bliss, I quite enjoy getting a sneak peek at some of the big Hollywood offerings.

Of course with all this in mind, I find one of the most exciting times to be these last seven or eight weeks before it begins as the details of what will play start trickling forth.

So while a few of my fellow bloggers may have beat me to the punch, here’s a few highlights of the news so far…

Paul Gross’ World War I epic PASCHENDALE will open the whole she-bang.

A good handful of award winners from Cannes lead the way in the first group of announced films.

Yesterday, some more commercial titles joined the fray including GOOD, DISGRACE, THE MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA, and NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST.

…by the way, tickets go on sale next Tuesday for Visa cardholders, and July 14th for all other methods of payment.

2 Replies to “News of The World

  1. Coveting already? Brace yourself my friend…there are still LOTS of details about this fest to be announced.

    You should make the drive up one fall and give the fest-y goodness a go!

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