7 Replies to “Mama Said Knock You Out

  1. @ Univarn… I'll take 'em. A large cup of coffee ain't helping.

    @ Alex… Yes please.

    @ Blake… Never been knocked on my ass at church, maybe my religion is more passive than most!

  2. Hey, maybe you are spraying a little sweat and blood in the picture, but you're taller than the other guy, you have a longer reach, and those closed eyes just mean you're planning your next devastating move against the Neanderthal. You are about to bring all of your MAD against him and knock the sucker out of the ring! In fact, I feel a little sorry for him.

  3. Need to have a shite?

    God, I love the Oasis song playing during that scene…(though, I'd have never guessed it was an Oasis song when I first heard it)

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