Listen Like Thieves

Missus Hatter and I have a new iMac on the way. Admit it – you’re jealous.

Along with the endless opportunities this will provide our individual photo and video work, it also recently dawned on me that this could potentially make podcasting a possibility.

This leads me to wonder two things – would anyone out there have interest in a Dark of The Matinee podcast? And if so, besides reviews, what sorts of features would you like to hear yours truly babble about for twenty or thirty minutes?

8 Replies to “Listen Like Thieves

  1. sounds like a good idea to me! I recommend stupid humor, then again I always recommend stupid humor, so that's not saying much 🙂

  2. I think that'd be great! As for additional topics, I'm not sure- it depends on whether or not you're with someone else I guess, since it's a lot easier to say "ok, here's a random topic. go." when it's a multi-person discussion. You could carry over your top 5 lists, or maybe talk about different years/time periods since you seem to enjoy doing that. Or perhaps elaborate on your theater experiences.

  3. Methinks with your music fandom that you might bring that angle into it.

    Of course, if you want to just get your feet wet a tad, you could always join us for a LAMBcast… 😀

  4. Thanks for the feedback guys!

    @ Univarn… I'll see what I can do about stupid humour. I tend to lean towards dry sarcasm, so it might be a bit of a stroll outside the norm.

    @ Alex… Great ideas! I might very well get a few different people in on it for the first few, since I'm not sure I'd have enough to talk about by myself that would interest people for twenty minutes or so. Thanks for the input!

    @ Fletch… Are you kidding? Between my music fandom, my book fandom, and my comic fandom, I think I might very well have problems staying on message where movies are concerned!

    As for the LAMBcast, I'd definitely be interested in getting in on that. Just lemme get one or two of my own down so I can get a bit more comfortable with the whole notion of podcasting in general.

  5. I'd check this out. Commentary on stupid news is always a plus in my book when it comes to podcast listening.

  6. I would totally dig a podcast version of your 'Top Five Favorite…' lists. That would be rad. And, at the risk of alienating most listeners, I'd be interested in hearing what classics you're watching…

  7. Well, you've got the most important requirement for doing it down pat – passion. I think as long as you keep that and don't try to tailor to others' wants (at least not up front – let the feedback come in over time), you'll be fine.

    Whether I agree with you or not on certain topics/choices, I know you've got an honest passion for the subject matter. That's a huge thing.

  8. @ Cinefile… My whole life is commentary on stupid news. Prepare thyself!

    @ Blake… Y'know – you're right. I don't talk about the classics I watch often enough on this space. I'll find a way to work that in.

    @ Bob… Passion indeed. Looks like this crazy caper will indeed be a go. I'll try to keep the passion high, and see if I can even get you to agree with me on a point or two 😉

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