Keep On Looking

Scratchy throat? Check. Sniffly nose? Check. Throbbing headache that is getting no help from my steady diet of Foo Fighters music? Check. Yep, The Hatter has a cold, and if you paid any attention to this post, you’ll know my choice of cinematic comfort food.

Think NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN is a heart stringtugger? Try watching it doped up and groggy at 4am? Yep…I’m just that odd a duck.

However, even in my Advil-stuffed condition, I was happy that I watched it, since I got just a little bit more insight into the final act. A co-worker raised the question of what takes place when Tommy Lee Jones’ town marshall arrives at the motel. Truthfully, I didn’t notice when I saw it in theatres – nor did I notice when I watched it again last week on DVD. However, I’m glad my friend pointed it out, since it’s actually a really important detail.

I can’t possibly explain it, since it would be horribly spoiler-ific. All I will say is this: the entire nature of this scene and what it says about Jones’ character can be summarized in the shot I just posted of the broken lock.

If you’ve seen the movie, please leave a comment and tell me – am I the only one who didn’t notice it the first time out?

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