Thanks to those of you who have already listened to the new podcast, and likewise to those who have clicked over to the meagre blog we have set up for the show. If you thought episode one was fun, wait until you hear what happens when Simon takes over the editing board for episode two.

The Brit’s got skills!!

Speaking of Simon, when he did a promo post on Screen Insight for Episode One, he gave an explanation as to why we’re keeping this to a twelve episode run. To much of what he said, I’d offer a healthy “ditto”, but there was another reason why I wanted to contain The Film Locker into a twelve-part frame.

Since I started doing my own podcast, I have of course listened to dozens of other shows. Every time I start listening to a show, I find myself questioning where to jump in. After listening to that first dose, do I go back to the beginning and work forward? Do I begin with the newest episode and work backward? Where does a new listener begin and where does a new listener finally catch up?

By doing a twelve-part series – of shorter episodes no less – what I’m hoping is that the project will be self contained and have a shelf life. Should someone find out about it even after we’re done, they can easily get their mitts on all twelve episodes and get the full gamut within two weeks. If Simon and I were musicians, it’s as if we came together to record an album, toured it through the summer, and then went on to other individual ideas come autumn.

The other advantage of keeping it short, is that it gives Columb and I the opportunity to go away for a while and dream it all up again. You’ll notice that we’re calling it “Series One”: The obvious unspoken hope is that we’ll eventually regroup for a “Series Two”, but how, if and when remain to be seen…thus keeping the pressure off, and allowing us to bask in the collaboration.

So that’s my take. The podcast that gave me the itch and made me want to do my own was Ricky Gervais’ show, and I think that our approach with The Film Locker would do him proud. In the end though, with almost half the episodes in the can, I’m just happy that I got to spend a summer’s worth of Sunday mornings with a good friend…and that the tape was rolling the whole time.

Thanks for listening.