Independence Day

As I look at my tea-stained and scribbled-on desk calender, I see that I’ll be tearing off the page tomorrow and staring at “December” come Monday morning. If the fact that I need to go buy myself a new calender isn’t a sure sign that the credits are close to rolling on 2007, then the announcements over the next few weeks of award nominees ought to ice it.

Before we get ahead of ourselves when it comes to award season, I feel like I should point out – if recent years tell us anything, it’s that nothing can be flawlessly predicted anymore. In years past, you got a great big clue what might win your Oscar pool by paying attention to The Golden Globes, or the Actors Guild Awards. No longer- Hollywood is thinking independently these days. That said, when it comes to the nomination lists, they all tend to follow a similar path.

First out of the gate is The Independent Spirit Awards. These lovely bookends are handed out in a tent, and tend to focus on much artier fare. However, they also tend to provide clues toward potential nominations. SIDEWAYS, LOST IN TRANSLATION, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, and BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN all got their jump from this shortlist. Don’t get too worked up though, THE SQUID & THE WHALE and FAR FROM HEAVEN were also heavily lauded…only to more or less go oh-fer in terms of Oscar.

As for this year, if these nominations are any help, keep your eye on I’M NOT THERE, JUNO, THE SAVAGES, and THE DIVING BELL & THE BUTTERFLY (They lead the pack with four each). For the complete list of nominees, click here.

In Theatres Now…

I’M NOT THERE (Look for a review by Sunday)
AWAKE (They say warm milk helps with that)
ENCHANTED (“Enchant-ing” is the reaction I’m hearing)
THIS CHRISTMAS (I gave her my heart, but the very next day – she gave it away)
HITMAN (A badass with a barcode. What more could you want?)
AUGUST RUSH (Remember when Robin Williams made good movies?)
THE MIST (Nothing scarier than dampness gone amok)
MARGOT AT THE WEDDING (or How Kidman Got Her Frump Back)
LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA (Got an essay due Monday? No time to read the book?)
MR. MAGORIUM’S WONDER EMPORIUM (Try saying that with a mouthful of crackers)