In The Movies

I’m pretty sure there is constantly a movie playing in my head, for no other reason than my habit of dropping movie quotes into everyday conversation far too often (further, the movie quotes I drop are often obscure and usually amuse only me).

How bad has it become? This past weekend I took advantage of some cheery spring weather and wandered around Mount Pleasant Cemetery here in Toronto. While soaking in the sunshine and snapping a photo or two of an interesting angel or celtic cross, I happened upon the sundial monument you see above you.

The thing is, for some reason or another, it’s off. I stood in front of it at 1:55pm, and the shadow on the sundial was telling me it was almost one o’clock. Immediately my mind went to one of my favorite movies, REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. I’ve always loved the scene where James Dean and Natalie Wood wander around the deserted mansion in the middle of the night. So when I saw the incorrect monument, I immediately wanted to yell out to nobody in particular “Hey, you forgot to wind your sundial!!” and embrace my inner Jim Stark.

In the end, I quietly said it to myself.

Am I alone here people? Do you ever have real life moments that remind you of something in a movie and decide to just run with it??

5 Replies to “In The Movies

  1. Every minute of every day. I’ve learned to tone it down though because most people just don’t understand.

  2. Oh, and Rebel Without a Cause related, I’ve been known to repeat the Natalie Wood line, “Who lives?” once or twice.

  3. Nice one! Just this afternoon I was back to quoting Rebel when I cackled Dean’s Mister Magoo impression “Drown them like puppies” in my office.

    Most of the place looked at me like I was nuts.

  4. Yup.

    See also: the application of Seinfeld episodes to nearly everything that occurs in life. It’s like a sickness…

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