11 Replies to “I’m Amazed

  1. To be perfectly honest, Hatter, I think it’s the fact that there ARE so many thoughtful movies out right now that the market is too saturated. I know all I wanted was a good time movie this past weekend and there was little to be found, so people are being driven to stuff like Blart.

    Also, there’s a significant element of ‘Chris Farley nostalgia’ happening here. James isn’t Farley, but he’s pretty much the closest thing we’ve got right now….

  2. 1. Because people are stupid. See Chihuahua, Beverly Hills.
    2. Because there are a dearth of good* kids’/teen movies out there
    3. Because of what Trista said. With so many good and/or prestige films out there, the masses need their popcorn flicks, damnit. See point 1.
    4. Because everything Happy Madison touches turns to gold. Touch me, Happy!!

    * Relatively speaking.

  3. I was shocked and hurt to find out some close family members saw this last weekend. WTF?

    And not everything Happy Madison touches turns to gold. What about Strange Wilderness…

  4. I think it’s just because everyone wishes they too could ride a Segway around a mall…

    I tried one of those once – it was extraordinarily cool. You really had to try to tip it.

  5. I’m with you on this one Hatter. When I pulled the numbers this week I was like… “What??????????”. Also, it’s not like it was supered advertized or anything. Sheesh.

    If it makes you feel better Slumdog Millionaire ruled the UK Box Office this weekend.

  6. there is nothing wrong with seeing a little fluff once and awhile.
    I sure as hell wasn’t lining up, but I would see it because Kevin Lee is adorably loveable.

  7. Oh, and blake – I think Happy Madison touched Strange Wilderness a few too many times in a few too many places. That only brings about bad things.

  8. Actually, Paul Blart did get a pretty strong push on the advertising side – if you watch (or are “forced” to watch) Pokemon and Fairly Odd Parents on YTV – you would’ve seen Blart hundreds of times by now. There’s also a spiffy computerized poster for the film (I’ve seen it at Yorkdale Shopping Mall here in Toronto) where Blart is standing still looking far away until he suddenly moves, looks to the side and points with two fingers at an unseen person and then points back to his eyes (the old “I’m watching you” sign).

    So I think a lot of kids convinced their parents to take them.

    Even my own guy (8 years old) who is more of an animation fan expressed interest. And he understands how marketing works too, but is still getting sucked in. Fortunately we’ve been able to avoid it so far…

  9. Stupid movies can be fun too. The success of Paul Blart does nothing to besmirch the Oscar runners in theaters. Entertainment serves many purposes; illumination is only one. Even Shakespeare appreciated a good fart joke.

    But agreed, Strange Wilderness was horribly disappointing.

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