This blog would never be what it is were it not for The LAMB and all of the talented people that make it up. Once a year, many of The LAMB’s get together and decide to honour their contributors with awards called The Lammy’s.

This weekend, the nominations were announced, and to say I was surprised would be putting things mildly.

The Dark of The Matinee was nominated for:
Best Blog
Best Reviewer
Best Podcast
The Brainiac Award
Most Prolific Blogger
Best Blog Name
and Best Awards/Film Festival Coverage Twice! (One nomination for Hot Docs 2011, One nomination for TIFF 2010).

Eight nominations in total – More than any other LAMB, and two more nominations than last year. Y’all certainly know how to kick off a guy’s weekend!

Thank you very, very much to anyone who nominated me and congratulations to all of my fellow nominees. As nice as it would be to win an award or two, the nominations are enough for me. It’s been a long and busy year around these parts, a year that had moments where I swore I was losing more friends than I was making.

Thanks for sticking with me folks. This will push me to make 2011/2012 even better on this site.