As I watched THE PARKING LOT MOVIE, I couldn’t help but think back on Tyler Durden and how he saw so much potential being squandered on people pumping gas and waiting tables…something tells me, he’d include parking lot attendants in that bracket. Indeed, the men of THE PARKING LOT MOVIE all seem to have so much more to offer the world than being able to mind our cars for a few hours, but unfortunately this doc doesn’t help their case.

This doc tells the story of nearly twenty parking lot attendants. It details their philosophical nature, illustrates the abuse and absurdity they have to endure, and details just how much attention people in the service industry pay to their patrons. Unfortunately it does so in an amazingly thin and scattershot manner.

There are people in this movie I quite enjoyed meeting. People like Dan Moesley who has gone on to be a professor of philosophy at James Mdison University, John Lindaman who actually met his future wife when she was a customer at the parking lot, and James McNew – the bassist for Yo La Tengo, who also at one time minded a parking lot. While I enjoyed meeting them, I didn’t nearly get to know them half as well as I would like. Their stories are buried under a dog-pile of more than a dozen other raving surly attendants.

They come off as crusty, angry, and suffering from delusions of grandeur. Think Kevin Smith’s CLERKS without the witty dialogue. It’s a shame, because I believe there was a great movie to be shown here – unfortunately that story has been stymied by poor execution.

THE PARKING LOT MOVIE plays tonight – 6:30pm at Cumberland 3, and again on Monday May 3rd – 11:45pm at The Bloor Cinema.

3 Replies to “Hot Docs Reaction: THE PARKING LOT MOVIE

  1. I missed this as IFFBoston but had heard it was quite good and very funny. I'm sorry to hear it wasn't your thing! I'll have to see for myself when it when it gets distribution… though I don't know if I want to watch so many surly people hanging out for 2 hours.

  2. Hi!

    I am Malcolm from The Final Oscar and I am cordially inviting you to a smackdown. It's the SMACKDOWN: 1995 BEST PICTURE. The nominees for that year are:

    Apollo 13
    Il Postino
    Sense and Sensibility

    If you confirm or reject your participation in this smackdown, please reply to this mail. Don't worry! Two weeks will be allotted for watching/rewatching the movies nominated. If you have any inquiries, just mail me at

    Submission of Analysis: May 20, 2010
    Posting of Results: May 23, 2010

    For more details, you can just visit my site:

    Thanks for the time and I hope you'll join!


  3. I heard them talk about this on the Row Three podcast. The guy who watched it wa raving about it – and I was excpetionally keen ot follow up on it. Interesting how you don't seem as excited by it.

    The guy said – and I quote – by the end of the movie he wanted to work in the parking lot. I assume you didn't feel the same!


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