Home For a Rest

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that today I feel like this…but it’s close.

This weekend brings October to a close, and keeping this blog going during this month has been testing to say the least. When the month ends Saturday night, I will have posted 25 days out of 31. I cannot believe that I only called it in six days out of thirty-one.

What makes this even more bewildering to me, is the fact that I saw two new movies all month. Dos. Deux. Due. makes it a bit tricky to write a movie blog when you aren’t watching movies! I did watch the odd dvd here and there, but all of ’em were movies I’d seen before…hell, in the case of NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN and SWEENEY TODD, they were movies I’d reviewed before!

Still through it all, I was able to keep things going…and more interestingly, y’all kept dropping by.

Note: It’s here where I have to pause and thank Bruisey von Whippit. She was nice enough to guest blog for me twice during this crazy month!

Some have said that in a lot of ways, I live for this little space – I can’t say I disagree. This blog combines my passion for writing, my passion for meeting people, and my passion for movies. In the last month, I’ve turned the focus on my personal life more than ever before in the two plus years I’ve been doing this…and again, y’all kept dropping by.

So you’ll have to excuse me if I whine momentarily at how very tired I really am right now. Likewise, I hope you’ll take me seriously when I thank you for continuing to read the drivel of a movie nerd during the stretch when movies were taking a backseat to some important life events.

So yeah. I’m tired, but getting my rest. I’m slacking, but with new movies on the horizon. And I’m humbled, and truly, truly thankful.

4 Replies to “Home For a Rest

  1. @ Univarn… Thanks. Lookin' forward to it.

    @ Andrew… Likewise, thank-you. It'll be nice to get back to something-approaching-normal.

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