Girls On Film

Cypress Moon Productions, the group behind THE MIRROR and WHEN I FIND THE OCEAN (No, I haven’t heard of them either) have begun pre-production on THE STORY OF BONNIE AND CLYDE for a projected 2010 release. Clyde Barrow is gonna be played by the straight-outta-Tiger Beat Kevin Zeggers. Bonnie Parker will be played by Hilary Duff.

Yes, really.

The producers are trying all they can to point out that this isn’t a remake of 1967 classic, and that it will be a whole new telling of the infamous couple’s story. The inevitable first question that must be asked is “why bother?”.

This sort of industry weirdness is entertaining enough, but believe it or not, the whole situation has flared into a bitchslapfest between Duff, and Faye Dunaway who earned an Oscar nomination for her role as Parker in the 1967 film.

When informed of the project, Dunaway went on record as asking “Couldn’t they at least have cast a real actress in the part?” (zing!)

Not one to be knocked down, Duff made her retort by saying “I think that my fans who will see this movie don’t even know who Dunaway is…” (oh snap!) “…I think it was a little unneccessary, but I might be mad if I looked like that too.” (double snap!!).

I’m sure it’s news to no one that I have to back Dunaway in this round of foxy boxing. Why this movie was ever greenlit is far beyond me, and casting Duff in the part is just salt in the wound. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the whole project will wither and die in development hell.

4 Replies to “Girls On Film

  1. Someday Duff will be old and – er, “look like that,” too. But unlike Dunaway she won’t have a great role (let alone several) in her past.

    But who really thinks Duff, and not her publicist, wrote that line?

  2. Duff couldn’t take the high road? She couldn’t be classy and say “well, I need roles like this if I ever want to improve my acting…”. No? Well, at least she met my expectations…

    And as pretty as Duff is, do you think there’s any way she can capture anything close to Dunaway’s sexy, sensual, sweet, dangerous and reckless Bonnie? Not just her acting chops, but just her look…Dunaway may be old now (and Duff, what the hell is wrong with that you young whipper snapper?!), but she was striking 40 years ago.

    Duff is pretty. Dunaway was turn-your-head-crash-your-car-into-a-light-pole stunning.

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