Friends in Low Places

I haven’t a whole lot since Oscar night, and it isn’t exactly for lack of subject material. I have scribblings that will eventually turn themselves into reviews for no less than four movies…but in the last week, I’ve just felt rather spent when it comes to cinematic babble. It could just be that I’m dwelling in the phantom zone between year-end Oscar bait, and spring-summer popcorn fair and my brain needs a chance to reset.

Luckily for me, fellow blogger Blake has arrived with the smelling salts.

This afternoon, Blake gave me a Dardo Award. A Dardo is passed along from blogger to blogger to recognize the following:

Cultural, literary, and personal values in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing appreciation and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.

I must say, such a pat on the back from a fellow movie enthusiast really does make my day. There is many days where I feel like I’m writing for an audience of four, so it really brightens my mood when I get signs that not only are you fine folks reading my popcorn babble, but actually giving credence to what I have to say. Likewise, all the fellow bloggers that I’ve happened upon over the last year or so have made doing this all the more fun, and encouraged me to keep at it in spite of the many times I felt like shutting it down.

So in short, to anyone reading this, and to Blake specifically – Thanks!

In accepting the award, I must do two things:

1. Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.
2. Pass the award to another five blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award

It’s hard to keep it down to five, but if you have a chance, take a look at the writings of these five bloggers. They’ve all inspired and entertained me over the last year…

Fletch at Blog Cabins
Nayana at The Center Seat
Mike at Big Mike’s Movie Blog
Trista at 10 Movies To See Before You Die
Bob at Eternal Sunshine of The Logical Mind

If you hyave sometime, give their spaces a look and add ’em to your bookmarks.

One Reply to “Friends in Low Places”

  1. You’ve got 4 readers!? Lucky bastard – I aspire to 4.

    Much thanks Hatter. Let’s just say that if some weird warp in the space time continuum had caused me to get this first, I would have passed it to you.

    Now to clear some space on the shelf for this puppy…

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