Red Ivy

It’s Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada, as you may or may not have heard on a recent podcast. I think in honour of that, I’ll have to make sure I watch a triple feature over the next few days of THE NEW WORLD, THE ICE STORM, and PLANES, TRAINS, AND AUTOMOBILES.

I’m thankful for a great number of things this year – a recent bit of weight loss and a lot of time spent with far-flung-friends, to name a few. However, as I mentioned on The Matineecast last weekend, I’m deeply thankful for the opportunity to take a moment every day and post something on this site. It takes a lot of luck and a lot of support to be able to keep up that sort of rhythm, and I’m happy to say I’ve had both.

So pull up a chair and pass the mashed potatoes, it’s to be thankful for the gifts we’ve been given and dig in…


For your listening and reading fulfilment, I give you…


TUMP was thrown for a bit of a loop this week as Damion decided to avoid the rain. However, after Andrew & Douglas discuss POPULAIRE, you’ll hear me specifically get called “wrong” twice…the second time though, I’m actually right.

I’ve said it before, but many a workday is made that much more bearable bcause I have Tim and Sue around the joint to rap about film with for even a few moments. This week, their grand experiment – a successful experiment at that – turned two years old. Go wish them well.

Know what makes me truly, truly happy? The knowledge that Stevee Taylor hasn’t stopped writing. I’m looking forward to seeing CAPTAIN PHILLIPS for myself tomorrow, for now though, turn your eyes to Stevee’s review.

I’m also looking forward to finally seeing ALL THE BOYS LOVE MANDY LANE on-demand! At Go-See-Talk, Andrew has caught up with it already, and puts his thoughts thusly.

My favorite young film enthusiasts have returned, and this time around they’re discussing Cuarón. Check out what Willem and Miranda had to say about GRAVITY.

Lindsey from The Motion Pictures is trying to ween herself on to westerns. It’s a genre I recognize isn’t for everyone, so I give her mad props for giving it a go.

With the arrival of autumn, so too comes the return of new TV shows. While I have yet to be wowed by much of what I watch, Elina has ups and downs amongst her crop of shows she follows.

Over at The Audient, Vance wonders aloud if his young child is slowly turning into a film-worthy hellion.


The Tweet of The Week comes from my sister-in-law-to-be, Rachel. I think she articulates well what we all think online most days…




9 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 10 – 11 (Chatter from Other Bloggers)

    1. Looks like I *did* enjoy it as much as you did! Then again, I didn’t watch it with a glass of wine at the ready. Have you thought about whether you’re going to be able to keep posting semi-regularly?

    2. I will post as much as I possibly can, which won’t be the most over the next three weeks (final term of high school, waaaah) but over study leave I should be able to fit some in to keep me sane. It all just depends on how many movies I want to write about.

    3. Don’t be a stranger…even if you only drop by your site once a week to write something scattershot.

      The internet is a much nicer place with you in it…

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