Everybody’s Talkin’ (Chatter from Fellow Bloggers)

I’m a tad spent this morning. Last night’s free screening of PRETTY IN PINK down by the water was quite fun, though it ran somewhat late for this particular man-child.

What better day to turn the mic over to some of my fellow bloggers and start yet another feature on this humble space. Many of these pieces have been linked over in my sidebar for the past few days, but I thought I’d point a big neon arrow towards them.

So, for your reading fulfillment I give you…

Film Forager’s reaction to the brilliant Spanish film ABRe LOS OJOS.

1416 and Counting’s review of my coolest find of the summer so far, BRICK.

Plus Trailers’ argument that SULMDOG MILLIONAIRE could possibly be the most deserving Best Picture winner of the decade.

and Bitchin’ Film Reviews’ review of a film I quite dug and think everyone should go see, AWAY WE GO.


3 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ (Chatter from Fellow Bloggers)

  1. Hey thanks for the link! I've been thinking of doing some sort of "links to pieces I've been digging" too. I read so many wonderful articles and reviews I feel the need to spread the love!

  2. @ Blake & Alex…

    No sweat kids, enjoy the increased traffic you get from all five of my readers.

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