And now for the really hard part…

The next seven days are gonna sting folks, but once they’re over I can breathe again and finally get back to normal for a few weeks before TIFF begins. Around these parts, things oughta be especially nutty as I’m recording three podcast episodes in four days. In the category of “Small Mercies”, one of the three isn’t my responsiility to edit and post.

All I can say is bring it on!

Not sure what I’m seeing this weekend, though a showing of LA DOLCE VITA is there for the pickin’. We shall see…

For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…

The ladies of Reel Insight welcomed a new guest to their fold this week when David stopped by for some John Cusack chatter. Listen closely and you can hear the margaritas being slurped.

Like something that is generally derided? Mike at You Talkin’ wants you to nut up or shut up.

A doc I’ve been wanting to see for almost a year now is Errol Morris’ TABLOID (perhaps the doc’s subject matter will even troll my comment section!). The newly spruced-up Film Forager has seen it and adds another log to my burning fires of curiosity.

Anomolous Materials wonders whether we have seen the last of the great blockbusters (I say nay, but they’re becoming fewer and further between).

I’m anxiously waiting for a blu-ray copy of MODERN TIMES to arrive in my mailbox (thanks again RI). Stupid Barnes & Noble is taking a stupid long stime shipping me the stupid package (harumph!). In the meantime I can catch up with Charlie and The Void’s thoughts on this Chaplin classic.

Rich wonders (rightly) if we have to be grossed out to laugh these days.
