I’m going through the door, and stepping forward into my cave.
I’ve found my power animal.
It’s telling me to “slide”.

For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…

Pretty good conversation about Brad Pitt on Reel Insight this week, complete with guest podcaster Dylan Fields. Oh, and if you’re a fan of Dylan’s you won’t be disappointed – as always, he gets something wrong before the show is out.

Newly minted LAMB The Droid You’re Looking For has a great post dedicated to some of the great directors in history and the ugly stepchildren of their filmographies.

Over at Anomalous Materials this week, Max decided to stir the pot.

Norma the Flick Chick examines one of my favorite scenes of 2010: The conclusion of THE GHOST WRITER.

When blogger was being all dumb on Tuesday, it prevented me from commenting on this post by Alex – a review of one of my favorite classics, CHINATOWN. So instead, I figured I’d just link to it here. Nice the way things work out sometimes, ain’t it?

last but not least, my man Univarn has taken a look around and realized that some actors are squandering their talent. he offers up a plea that they be granted better parts.
