Everybody’s Talkin’ 5 – 13 (Chatter From Other Bloggers)

Yep – it’s official…I’m the only person in the world who hasn’t seen IRON MAN 2 yet.

That leads me to believe that I haven’t thought today’s post through properly. You see, on the one hand, I’m putting up “Everybody’s Talkin” today so that when I see I:2 tonight, I can write about it for tomorrow’s post. However, I think I might have overlooked the fact that when I do post about it tomorrow, precious few of you will be interested in what I have to say since everybody’s already had their say.


Then again, with all my non-fiction shenanigans, it’s been two full weeks since my last E-T post, so perhaps me jumping the gun isn’t so bad. It’ll help me get back into the swing of the community aspect of this blog. So if you do happen to be interested in what I have to say about Tony Stark & Co. drop by tomorrow morning.

For now though, for your reading fulfillment I give you…

From a commenting perspective, I find Yojimbo’s blog wickedly entertaining. Looks like I’ll have more commenting fodder soon since he’s a Speilberg Fan.

Now that I’ve seen one of last year’s biggest foreign films, I’m deeply curious about the other two. Castor has seen one of them – UN PROPHETE – and has posted his review.

My bbf Univarn questions the nature of over and underrated.

Mike over at You Talkin’ To Me is hosting a series right now. While I could participate in it, I must say that I think it’s a great idea. He has corralled a circle of bloggers to write about awesome movies that spawned unfortunate copycats. So far, he’s had some wicked submissions.

Meanwhile, Kai at The List is hosting a zombie symposium of sorts. Join the debate.

Oh, and it looks like after a few nail-biting rounds, Fletch’s Dudes & Ladies of The 80’s Tournament has its champions. Check out which dude and dudette won!


10 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 5 – 13 (Chatter From Other Bloggers)

  1. Glad to see this series back up and running, and even gladder to be apart of it. Thanks for the linkage!

    Also, you're not the only one. I haven't seen Iron Man 2 either, and may not for a while.

  2. I haven't seen Iron Man 2 either, and like Univarn, may not see it for awhile.

  3. I haven't seen Iron Man 2 either, and like Univarn and The Cheshire Cat, I may not see it for awhile.

    Okay, I'll say something else as well:

    I can't remember a single line from a trailer turning me off as much as Tony Stark jumping out of that plane and saying to Pepper Potts "You complete me!" Um, Jerry Maguire was 14 years ago.

  4. Thanks for the plug. I've totally negelected to e mail you about the get together but stuff has been so busy with the list and the end of school and the looking for a job, so hopefully I can make it if you have one in June.

    Vance- I don't think, to my memory, that that scene is even in the finished film.

  5. Thanks for the link love! I do want to read your Iron Man 2 review so don't hesitate to write on if you feel you want to 🙂

  6. @ Univarn… Glad to be doing them again. During Hot Docs it was hard enought to find the time to read other people's blogs…let alone link to 'em.

    Good to know I'm not alone in my I:2 darkness – though that's about to change in a mere 90 minutes!

    @ Cheshire… I still vote you see this…and part of me wants to put up our email conversation today as a blog post. Might make for interesting reading.

    @ Vance… Now now…if he was quoting a movie that was five years old, it'd be "so yesterday". Fourteen years on, it's "retro".

    Try it tomorrow…tell someone that they complete you and watch the laughs you get.

    @ Mike… Good to know you got my messages! We get together at the end of every month, so hopefully we can see you in late June. Drop me an email and I'll send you the particulars.

    @ Castor… Anytime. Check in tomorrow morning for my belated Starky critique.

  7. "A ZOMBIE SYMPOSIUM OF SORTS"… that almost sounded condescending… haha!
    I've seen IM2 and would love to here what you think of it because I actually dug it. Could be because I hadn't been to the theater since Avatar and I was so excited to be there.
    Anyways, thanks for the link, Hatter! Oh, and I know you flaked on that post on my site cuz you were busy with Hot Docs but I'm doing another in July and would like to get you on so let me know if you'd still be interested!

  8. Danke for the linky love, Hat. I know exactly what you mean about getting back in the swing of things. I'm still not there yet since the tourneys ended. Someday soon, I hope.

  9. I haven't seen "Iron Man 2" either and…wait…yes, I have…

    Tetch, you mad-man, I'll go ten rounds with you over Spielberg any day, my friend. Your tip-of-the-chapeau is much appreciated, and I blush in contrite humbleness.

  10. @ Kai… Wouldn't dream of condescending! I loved your zombie idea…hence the link! And I'm definitely game for a blog event, especially with the next big bit of coverage not happening on my blog until September. Send me the info, yes?

    @ Fletch… You should get all sorted out soon, especially with both Lost and Survivor ending this week too. Lookin' forward to learning the results of the Lammy nominees!

    @ Yojimbo… You'll get no Spielberg fight from me my friend – I'm a fan! For further evidence, check in tomorrow for my thoughts on AI.

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