So it’s Easter this weekend, right? Got me thinking.

I was having a comment section conversation yesterday about looking back into the back pages of people’s blogs. Sometimes it could be thinking back to a post that you want to forward on to someone else, sometimes it could be watching an older film and wondering what a blogger thought of it way back when.

It all reminded me of searching around my parents house for little chocolate Easter Eggs. Thus last night, the great blogging Easter Egg Hunt began. Decided to see what some of my fellow bloggers thought about some of my favorite films. Guess it shouldn’t shock me that by and large they dug ’em…they are my friends after all right?

So leave the new posts aside for one week, grab your basket and come with me to search for some goodies.

For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…

Not one of my favorite films but certainly one of my favorite episodes of a podcast ever. My introduction to the Row Three Cinecast featured a full-on verbal brawl between two of the hosts, which for some reason still strikes me as friggin’ hilarious. Skip forward to the 30 minute mark of Episode 151 to hear Matt and Andrew have it out over Daybreakers.

Univarn from Life in Equinox gave HIGH FIDELITY a 10, and with the rarity that he hands out such a score, that makes this an extra special easter egg!

Whenever one needs inspiration, it’s best to reflect on your favorite films. So said Rachel back in 2007 when she wrote about FIGHT CLUB.

Fletch’s review of THE DARK KNIGHT takes me back. I too can remember loving that film to death, but I too can remember feeling a little drowned out by the hype (I even did a top five about it). Still, the guy gave it top marks – which is no easy score at the cabin.

A recent addition to my all-time favorites list is (500) DAYS OF SUMMER, and wunderkind Sebastian Gutierrez had a pretty good take on it. Must have been a good take: I commented on it when he originally posted it!

During a recent episode of Filmspotting, they argued the merits of Michael Mann’s HEAT. I for one love it immensely, and it looks as though my future co-host Simon Columb does too. Good sign that I chose a good compadre to launch a podcast with, no?

Finally, yesterday The LAMB ran my Lammy FYC poster in a post that also included the FYC spot designed by Alex the Film Forager. I couldn’t be more pleased with my FYC roomie as she’s quite the creative kitten and always has interesting things to say about many different types of films. Such was the case a year and a half ago when she reviewed what has become a favorite classic of mine, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.
