Cripes, and I thought last week was rough.

To quote BRINGING OUT THE DEAD “It can always get worse”.

Here’s hoping that BACK TO THE FUTURE, Tim Burton, and podcasting will be good for what ails me.

King of Pain Voting Update!!
WHAT A GIRL WANTS still holds the belt, albeit with a slight dip in the poll to 15%. Looks like somebody has been campaigning for the especially craptastic as AIRBORNE, SHE’S OUT OF CONTROL, and CAMP CUCAMONGA would all make the cut if the poll closed today. (Sweet lord no). Still time left to vote so if you wanna make sure one of these turds becomes required viewing for me, get out there and vote, vote, vote!

For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…

I listen to podcasts at the office via my big doofy headphones. Once in a while, a podcaster will say something that makes me have to put my head down from trying not to look like I’m randomly laughing at nothing (because looking like I’m napping at my desk – that’s way better!). This week Row Three managed to get me stifling my laughter twice in one episode.

Emma the Film Geek links to me weekly in her version of E-T…it’s actually rather humbling! So who am I not to return the favour as often as I can? Take a look at this post where she creates a laundry list of what she loves most about film.

I don’t have any sort of “Post of The Week” award, but if I did this would have to take it. Bob has put his editing skills to work and created one delightfully chipper dance montage.

Castor & Co at Anomolous Materials wanna know about your favorite scenes.

Feel like watching a classic this weekend? CS suggests Fritz Lang’s M.

James just worked his way through the IMDb Top 250 and has some final thoughts to share. Sorta like Jerry Springer…..but smarter.