Happen to notice that this post was a few hours later than it usually is? You can thank Bob and James for that.

Strangest thing, even though the weather in Toronto lately has brought the words “huskie’s nutsack” to mind, I’ve been quite the social butterfly over the past week…with no signs of slowing down next week either!

My big quest at the moment is to see all the nominated films in the big eight categories by Oscar night. I only have two more to go (BIUTIFUL and ANOTHER YEAR), so I should make it handily…but with immediate plans to see a few classics at The Lightbox in the coming days, I’m not really helping my own cause. Should make for some good blog fodder if nothing else, and after a week of late nights trying to come up with blog fodder, I will gladly take a few gimme’s.

But enough about me, let’s turn the mic over to some smarter people, shall we?

For your reading and listening fulfillment, I give you…

The Franklies Are Back! The Franklies Are Back!! The Franklies Are Back!!!

I watched THE ILLUSIONIST back at TIFF, but I might need to go watch it again this week to refresh my memory a tad. Pretty sure I liked it more than Rich did, but as always his accounts of moviegoing around Manhattan is worth the price of admission alone.

The folks at Anomolous Materials discuss what happens when one meets an acclaimed film with a “meh” (By now, I’d wager most of you know my advice for what to do when that happens).

Univarn wants to know which scene you’d live out if you could.

One of the most affecting 2010 movies for me was BLUE VALENTINE. Blake over at Bicthin’ scored himself a pretty nice get by managing to interview the film’s director Derek Cianfrance.

The LAMB is knee-deep in its LAMB Devours the Oscars feature for this year’s awards (read my entry for Best Editing yet?). An Oscar race that I’m truly interested in this year is Best Director. Sebastian has us covered…and in a neat bit of turnabout, he has linked me this week in his version of ‘Everybody’s Talkin’.
