Everybody’s Talkin’ 12 – 4 (Chatter From Other Bloggers)

I was tempted to start off this post by claiming “What a week!”, but I might be more accurate with “What a month!”. November saw this blog add 31 posts in 30 days, add in the seven this month already and you have the makings of quite a prolific bit of blogging, especially considering the fact that when I first started blogging I was only posting every other day.

The blog events that had me writing feverishly this week are over for now, but there’s no end in sight for this tea party. Along with the fact that I’m planning to see two more movies this weekend, I’m also working on editing down my very first podcast!

Yes folks, yours truly spent some time in front of the mic last night, and I hope to have the experiment posted on Sunday. Please come back then to get your hands on it and give it a listen…I’m really curious for feedback on this particular caper.

Until then, allow me to go on with my usual Friday custom. I’m following more and more blogs every week, so compiling these hitlists are getting harder and harder. But these are my bretheren, and many of ’em write better than I do…so it’s all for the greater good.

For your reading fulfillment, I give you…

Big Mike, who took part in the Steven Soderbergh Blog-a-Thon with me, has written a post in defence of OCEAN’S TWELVE.

Jake at Not Just Movies has taken a look back at a film I think gets an undeserved bad rap. Here’s his lengthy piece on Steven Spielberg’s A.I.

Fandango wonders aloud what effect TWILIGHT has on the vampire genre.

Movieman is aghast that MULHOLLAND DRIVE is no longer one of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die.

CAZ at Let’s Go To The Movies asks if Michael Sheen is an underrated actor.

Finally Vanessa looks back on one of her most memorable film-going experiences. She takes a moment to tell us all about the time she went to Cannes.


9 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 12 – 4 (Chatter From Other Bloggers)

  1. Can't wait for your podcast. In all honesty I recorded mine yesterday from 5:45-6:30. Edited about 15mins out of it (basically just a couple of rants) and had it up by 8:30 :P. Slowpoke. How long is yours going to be?

  2. @ Univarn… Mine's probably gonna clock in around forty, but I had somebody else talking with me so it's a tad tougher to keep it short.

    We recorded from eight to nine, but after that my wife needed to do some work so I couldn't edit. Also, I'm looking to finesse it, so I might take a little longer in the editing process than some.

  3. Weird that I too did a defence of Ocean's Twelve for the blogathon. Looking forward to the podcast.

  4. This is one of the list I check every week, hoping that I make the cut. Thanks for the motivation!

  5. @ Andrew… I hadn't noticed, but I'll be sure to give it a read now. (Side note – was it really so bad that we all feel a need to defend it? I quite liked Mr. Monica Bellucci in it)

    @ Mike… For real? You're either screwing with me, or I'm honoured.

    (Side note – I like to vary it up, so seldom will people get named two weeks in a row. If you're batting .500, consider yerself an MVP).

  6. As soon as I wrote 'defence' I rethought it. I think it's loads of fun, and irreverently good. It's just that most people hate it. Now Ocean's Thirteen. THAT I hate.

  7. Can't wait to hear your podcast Hatter & curious to who you are talking with!

    I've heard a fair share of defence for Oceans Twelve, I'll have to ear mark that for the to see list!

  8. @ Mike… If Vernon Wells is any measure, you could bat even lower than that and score yourself $20M a year!

    @ Andrew… Defense or no, it's all good. But I actually like 13 as well. Am I alone on that one??

    @ Shannon… I vote you get your hands on all three Ocean's movies and have yerself a little marathon. It'd probably make for a pretty good blog post!

    The podcast is up btw – so click on over and pull back the curtain 🙂

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