Fun times are ahead for yours truly! Tonight, for instance I am writing a great wrong of my childhood, and finally seeing a film on the big screen for the first time – Tim Burton’s BATMAN. Don’t ask me why, but when it first came out, I didn’t get to see it in a theatre…had to wait all the way until the next Christmas when our friendly neighbour gave my brother and I a VHS copy.

So while I have grown up in a sheltered Bat-existence, a late show tonight at The Lightbox will right a great wrong.

Speaking of The Lightbox, they’ve given me an in to talk to another talented gentleman who helped bring some of the greatest films to the screen. Who is it this time? Check back next week to find out!

I’m sure I’ll get around to a new release this weekend as well, but I don’t have my eye on one in particular. Suggestions??

For your reading enjoyment, I give you…

Wanna hear me start podcasting, but get elbowed off the mic? Sure you do! Take a listen to my appearance on G-Man’s Unnamed Movie Podcast where we review BEST WORST MOVIE, and talk about our cheesetastic favorites.

Tom Clift is back! He’s christened a brand new blog and has decided to prime himself for BLACK SWAN by re-watching REQUIEM FOR A DREAM. (Hopefully he’s cheered up since the movie ended).

Learned a bit about a fellow Toronto blogger this week. Take a look at what happened when Mike Lippert took a stab at breaking into showbusiness.

I count myself a pretty big fan of Indiana Jones. That part of me got a big ‘ol grin at F.G.I’s recent post about life lessons taken from Dr. Jones’ adventures.

Here’s something different. insight Into Entertainment zips through what she thought of BURLESQUE since she far more interested on laying odds on what her fellow bloggers will think of it.
