Everybody’s Talkin’ 12-18 (Chatter From Other Bloggers)

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the blog / Hatter moved through each day in a permanent fog/ The readers – all twelve of them – were warm in their places / With wishes of good movies written all over their faces…”

That’s about as clever as I get before seven in the morning.

Before the day’s out, I should be fully in the Christmas spirit – not that I’m not already. Lady Hatter and I will be meeting up with Miss Amanda Lee tonight, and going to a special screening of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE. A rep theatre in Toronto plays it every year as their special Christmas offering, complete with free admission, christmas cookies, coffee and nog, and even carollers in the lobby. It goes a long to way to warm the heart during this busy time of year.

(For any Toronto folk interested – It’s at The Bloor Cinema tonight at 7pm. 506 Bloor Street West. If you wanna say hi, look for me in a blue Dodgers cap).

The next two weeks are busy for just about all of us…trying to shop, trying to be everywhere at once. Goes to reason that it’d be pretty busy on the blog too! Along with trying to catch up on a handful of movies (AVATAR in 3-D is up this weekend), I’m also trying to prep my year-end posts, new entries for the 1001 movie club, and flesh out episode three of the podcast. The fun part is that at least this time of year, nobody gives you any flack is you drink while you’re doing it…and least, I think they don’t.

Have their been any studies on the effects of drinking and blogging?

Maybe I should hand my keyboard over to the designated bloggers…

Ross and Ross got my lords-a-leapin’ and my drummers drummin’ by reminding me of one of my favorite Christmas scenes.

Thw Toronto Film Critics just named Nicolas Cage best actor of the year for his work in BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS. Looks as though Dan the Man dug it too!

Blake has been working on lists of his favorite films of the decade. Here are his choices for 2000, 2001, and 2002.

Sam Turner, of newly minted LAMB This Time It Will Be Different” takes a slightly alternate route and puts together five 00’s films you might not have seen.

Getafilm wonders why the Twin Cities don’t hand out film critic awards.

Finally, IT MIGHT GET LOUD, A movie I badly want, drops on DVD just after Christmas. Joel called it “The best superhero movie since THE DARK KNIGHT”.


7 Replies to “Everybody’s Talkin’ 12-18 (Chatter From Other Bloggers)

  1. That's a pretty awesome tale. I'm not sure I could get that after noon with pounds of caffeine in me. As for drinking and blogging I think you're good until you get wasted and throw up on your computer, then you may want to quit o.O. Great links though, gotta check some of them out 🙂

  2. @ Univarn… Note to self – scotch guard the keyboard.

    @ Daniel… Yeah, Sam's got some good stuff. I've been following his blog for a month or so. Tell him I sent ya, he'll give you a free cookie.

    @ Aiden… If it all goes wrong, I'm blaming you.

  3. ooh I went to a special Christmas screening of Its a Wonderful Life too! And would you believe it was my first time seeing it? Lifes fully up to the hype, the only 'happy' film I ever may have shed a tear at

  4. @ Ross… That's awesome that you dug it! Spoiler alert – I have a post about it going up tomorrow morning for the 1001 Movie Club. Give it a read, yes?

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