Wanna hear something sick? I’ve been quite a social butterfly this week…to the point that Lady Hatter has expressed feelings of loneliness. And even with all the running around town, glancing at what will be listed on tomorrow’s “Days” post for the films watched this week, I still haven’t lost a step with the pace I’ve set for the year. Seriously…how has my brain not exploded yet?

It’s sorta scaring me a little…like clearing up all the beer bottles around the apartment and then realizing just how many you yourself drank that night.

Are there support groups for people like me?

While I seek help, perhaps you should seek entertainment from thise who have a better grasp on moderation.

For your listening and reading enjoyment, I give you…

Seems like nobody really wants to close the book on 2010. Four of the flock got together on the most recent LAMBcast to rhyme off their favorite films…case you didn’t already read it on their websites, or hear it on their podcasts, or find out someplace else, or…

Blake is at Sundance. Who else is jealous??

Tonight I’m checking out INCENDIES: Canada’s pony in the race for the Best Foreign Film Oscar. If Joel’s review is to be believed, then I’m in for awesomeness.

This week, I had the pleasure of meeting yet another Toronto movie blogger – the oh-so-charming Kiva from Diegetic Sound. She’s seen yet another movie up for Best Foreign Film. Take a gander at her thoughts on DOGTOOTH.

Anomolous Materials want to know what scares you? (Besides Jonah Hill in HD)

And finally, Nick’s 60/60 project took a turn for the odd…the very odd.
