First-things-first: enquiring minds on The Matineecast want to know…

Which films coming up in 2011 are you most looking forward to seeing???

I call this part of the year the gauntlet. It’s my busiest time at the office, and this year it feels even more off-kilter with it coming so hard on the heels of the holidays.

Thus it gives me great pleasure to play Wolfman Jack, and spin all the top hits of the blogosphere for you listeners out there in blog-readin’-radioland.

For your reading fulfillment, I give you…

Danger Girl pointed out that I shamed anyone who wasn’t listening to Frankly My Dear, but that I seldom linked to them. So really, shame on me. Gonna try to start linking to one podcast during these weekly round-ups, so as one last thanks for being such stellar guests, The Franklies new episode is this week’s ‘Must Listen’.

Univarn seems to be on quite the roll of contemplative posts these days. Yesterday he wondered if he was missing something when it came to mass critical appeal.

BLUE VALENTINE is opening in Toronto this weekend, and I’m sorta looking forward to finally giving it a look…especially after Black Sheep gave it such a good review.

Anomolous Materials wonders which fictional world y’all would like to live in (I for one would love to train and fly dragons in Berk).

Gotta love when real life catches up to sci-fi: Vance has decided to compare the year 2010 to the film 2010.

Meanwhile, Ruth at Flixchatter has decided to greet the new year with randomness.
