More than once in the last two years, someone, somewhere – never the same person twice – has suggested that I check out EQUILIBRIUM. I’m always extolled its virtues, and told how underrated it is. Usually this is all concluded by the explanation that “THE MATRIX came out just before it and out-Equilibrium’d EQUILIBRIUM”.

Well, last night I caught it at Toronto Underground during the Defending the Indefensible Series. Every one of y’all that told me I needed to see this over the years? You’re stoned. This movie was laughably bad, and I would have called the whole night a miss if it wasn’t for the fact that ten of my film geek friends all happened to be at the same showing. A night out to laugh with friends is never a total loss. Luckily I ditched out before they moved on to the second half of the evening’s affairs – GHOSTBUSTERS 2.

For your listening and reading fulfillment, I give you…

Reel Insight came back this week! Funny thing – they were only of for a week, but it felt like a whole lot longer. What can I say, a week without Thurogers is like a week without sunshine.

Admit it folks – you’ve done this.

Wilde.Dash over at Love & Squalor plugged a hole in her pop culture database this week; Take a look as she experiences GHOST for the first time (Full disclosure: Part of this link is the hopes that I can convince Wilde to do me a solid).

Helms is working on some revisionist cinema. I want to contribute, but my brain is tapioca for such things these days.

A Fantasia film I heard good things about was William Eubank’s LOVE. I’m hopeful that it turns up in my local scene sooner rather than later. Edgar at Between The Seats has a pretty swell write-up on it, stoking my anticipation even more!

In other film festival news, young Clift is taking in the sights at MIFF this week.


That’s just a sampler – be sure to check out The Blogroll for more great content from my movie lovin’ brethren.
