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73 minutes

Show Contents:

0:00 Introduction

2:42 Know Your Enemy: Carolyn Hinds

20:18The New Slang: GUAVA ISLAND

54:51 The Other Side: Carolyn and Ryan talk further reading after Hiro Murai’s new film


Thoughts From Your Host…


I’m pretty proud of getting this episode out on time, dear listeners. You see between three family dinners, Recod Store Day, basketball playoffs, hockey playoffs, a minor emergency, and silly nerdy pursuits like Game of Thrones…the last week just flew. I barely had time to get a good night’s sleep, let alone record and edit a full podcast episode.

Related: That lack of sleep is the reason there hasn’t been much writing around here lately…a trend I shall remedy soon.

As for the subject at-hand, it marks the third time this year already that the podcast has turned its attention to works that can be watched at home – after episodes dedicated to VELVET BUZZSAW and HIGH FLYING BIRD. Actually, if you count ROMA, it’s the fourth time in six months.

It’s not a trend I expected, but it’s becoming increasingly hard to deny the cinematic value and scope of works that sidestep the theatrical presentation entirely. While I’m not ready for this show to become continually picking from online platforms, the fact of the matter remains that there is a great deal of quality and curiosity contained on our various wifi-enabled gizmos.

If the multiplex is going to continue to be the land of the franchises, and this podcast generally eschews franchise films as points of discussion, then I owe it to myself and to you dear listener to consider these platforms. Once upon a time “straight to DVD’, or “straight to cable” was a black mark on a given project. No longer.

So if that means we find ourselves on The Matineecast discussing projects like UNICORN STORE, or HOMECOMING, or LEAVING NEVERLAND…then so much the better.


Links Mentioned on Episode 221:


The Kent Test.

Carolyn’s interview with director Xavier Burgen.

Carolyn’s review of MASTER Z


Carolyn’s Twitter feed can be found here. Comments and feedback are welcome, and thank-you very much for listening. 

